CONSPIRATIA INDUSTRIEI TUTUNULUI, TIGARILOR. Istoria minciunilor, escrocheriilor,lacomiei, fraudelor stiintifice care lucreaza cu crima organizata din industria tutunului. Companiile de tutun arata agenda lor ascunsa - THE TOBACCO CONSPIRACY -Video-93 min Imprimare
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Marţi, 03 Ianuarie 2012
Vizualizări: 14083

THE TOBACCO CONSPIRACY - The Plan, The Players, Corruption, Silence - The backroom deals of deadly industry -
TBAC, LA CONSPIRATION - Le Pacte, Le Complot, La Corruption, Le Silence - Dans les rouages d'une industrie meurtriere -
CONSPIRATIA INDUSTRIEI TUTUNULUI, TABACULUI, TIGARILOR, etc. - Pactul, Complotul, Coruptia, Tacerea - Intelegerile din spatele usilor inchise ale industriei criminale (industriei ucigase, industriei mafiote) - Youtube - English version 51 minutes

Conspiratia Industriei Tutunului - Companiilor Tutunului, Tabacului (producatoare si vanzatoare)

The Tobacco [Industry] Conspiration - Tobacoo Companies (manufacturing and sales)


English version of documentary is shorter, is incomplet only 51 minutes from 92 minutes the original French version of the movie, the original French documentary is:
Mai jos aveti versiunea de 92 minute din franceza cu subtitrarea in romana de calitate mai slaba a inregistrarii video, sau vedeti versiunea originala [French Version] fara subtitrare:

TBAC, LA CONSPIRATION - Le Pacte, Le Complot, La Corruption, Le Silence - Dans les rouages d'une industrie meurtriere -
CONSPIRATIA INDUSTRIEI TUTUNULUI, TABACULUI, TIGARILOR, etc. - Pactul, Complotul, Coruptia, Tacerea - Intelegerile din spatele usilor inchise ale industriei criminale (industriei ucigase, industriei mafiote) -
The Plan, The Players, Corruption, Silence - The backroom deals of deadly industry - Subtitrare romana [calitate slaba la video] - 92 minutes

TBAC, LA CONSPIRATION - Le Pacte, Le Complot, La Corruption, Le Silence - Dans les rouages d'une industrie meurtriere -
CONSPIRATIA INDUSTRIEI TUTUNULUI, TABACULUI, TIGARILOR, etc. - Pactul, Complotul, Coruptia, Tacerea - Intelegerile din spatele usilor inchise ale industriei criminale (industriei ucigase, industriei mafiote) -
The Plan, The Players, Corruption, Silence - The backroom deals of deadly industry - French version - FULL VERSION - 92 minutes


A history of the tobacco industry's lies and scams. From the US in 1953 to Africa today, the controversy between individual responsibility and corporate greed is portrayed in a lucid, undaunting manner.
From scientific frauds to working with organized crime, tobacco companies show their hidden agenda more clearly than ever in this theatrically released documentary. 

O istorie a minciunilor si escrocheriilor din industria tutunului. Din SUA in 1953 pana in Africa de astazi, controversa dintre responsabilitatea individuala si lacomia corporatiilor (companiile multinationale din industria tutunului) este portretizat intr-o maniera lucida, neintimidanta.
De la fraude stiintifice care lucreaza cu crima organizata, companiile de tutun arata agenda lor ascunsa mai clar decat oricand in acest teatral documentar lansat.

The Bobacco Industry Conspiracy begin in 1953 in US (America).

The Corrupt Tobacco Enterprise (The Corrupt Tobacco Industry) is like Mafia, organized crime, criminal organisations because they know that with tobacco products they are: killing people (children, teenagers, women and men), destroy health and lifes of people, but they continue their criminal attitude, illegal behavior by marketing from producing and selling tobacco (cigarettes, etc.) and nicotine (nicotine is a drug) products and so The Corrupt Tobacco Industry (Enterprise) is killing, making crimes for their interests of getting money, power, ego, they have no love for people and health of people, etc. they love only money and power like an criminal psychopath attitude (psychopath pattern: narcisist, arrogant and no empathy for people, etc.).

"The Corrupt Tobacco Enterprise [Industry] is organized exactly like the Mafia." (Robert Blakey, Professor of Law [professor of International Law in London at University Notre Dame from London], he was in the team who drafted the RICO act for the: US ANTI MAFIA LAW in 2004. - Extract from documentary movie: THE TOBACCO CONSPIRACY - The backroom deals of deadly industry)

"Afacerea [Industria] Tutunului [cu Tabac] este organizata exact ca Mafia." (Profesor de Drept Robert Blakey - Extras din filmul documentar: CONSPIRATIA INDUSTRIEI TUTUNULUI - Intelegerile din spatele usilor inchise ale industriei criminale)

"The RICO ACT had not as exclusive focus or target the Mafia it had [on] any group, corporation or union that OPERATED BY A PATTERN of ILEGAL BEHAIVOUR, so which you have to find is a central organized group and this [Tobacco Industry, Tobacco Enterprise] is now organized exactly like the Mafia here is each of the << Families >> [like Mafia << Families >>], the major companies, and what they do for the purpose of this schemas to defraud: takes money and personnel from each of the << major Families >> [Mafia like << Families >> the major Tobacco companies] and then they run it through a committee of lawyers and not of a committee of Scientists!
A committee of lawyers to conduct or participate in illegal activities, and illegal activities is the Scheme to Defraud.
Who will they defraud? The medical establishment, the drug agency, the congress, the president [president of country] and finally they will defraud consummers [people that buy product].
This industry [Tobacco Industry] did it! Did it intentionaly and did it to make money!
There is no functional difference between an organized crime family [Mafia << families >>] that sells cocaine or heroine and kills people, they are racketeers [mafia racketeers - protection racket] and a Cigarettes Industry [Tobacco Industry] that sells a product which used as directed kills." (Robert Blakey, Professor of Law [professor of International Law in London at University Notre Dame from London], he was in the team who drafted the RICO act for the: US ANTI MAFIA LAW in 2004. - Extract from documentary movie: THE TOBACCO CONSPIRACY - The backroom deals of deadly industry)

"G. Robert Blakey

George Robert Blakey
(born January 7, 1936, in Burlington, North Carolina) is an American[3] attorney and law professor. He is best known for his work in connection with drafting the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and for scholarship on that subject.
RICO and other legislation

Under the close supervision of Senator John Little McClellan, the Chairman of the Committee for which he worked, Blakey drafted the "RICO Act", Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO Act)], signed into law by Richard M. Nixon.[1]
While in law school, Blakey edited a student note on the unsuccessful prosecution of attendees at the Apalachin Meeting, which first sparked his interest in organized crime; he also wrote a note that analyzed civil liberties in the union movement.[5] In 1960, after law school, Blakey joined the United States Department of Justice under its Honor Program, and he became a Special Attorney in the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section of the Criminal Division of the Department.
After Robert F. Kennedy became Attorney General, the Department began a major effort to bring criminal prosecutions against organized crime members, corrupt political figures, and faithless union officials. The Section assigned Blakey to the effort.[6] He remained at Justice until 1964, leaving the summer after the November 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy.[1]

Subsequently, numerous states passed racketeering legislation with Blakey's assistance modeled on the federal statute. In addition, under the close supervision of McClellan, Blakey also drafted Title III on wiretapping of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. Numerous states, too, have wiretapping legislation modeled on the federal statute, and Blakey aided in those efforts. It is suspected, especially among those in the Italian American community, that Blakey intentionally arrived at the acronym RICO as a left-handed slight at the Italian American ethnicity, since the 'mafia' was a principle target of the law. "Rico" is a well known nickname for "Enrico" the Italian version for Henry and a popular name among Italian American immigrants. Additionally, "Rico" was the name of an Italian American mobster in the 1930 gangster movie "Little Caesar" a film Blakey may have derived the name from. [7] (...)" (G. Robert Blakey - Wikipedia:

- George Robert Blakey CV - Blakey, G. Robert (July 27, 2005). "Curriculum vitae" (PDF). Retrieved March 6, 2009 - (Wikipedia)

"Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO Act)
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering, and it allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes which they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing, closing a perceived loophole that allowed a person who instructed someone else to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because they did not actually commit the crime personally.[1]

RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970), and is codified at 18 U.S.C. ch. 96 as 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968. G. Robert Blakey, an adviser to the United States Senate Government Operations Committee, drafted the law under the close supervision of the committee's chairman, Senator John Little McClellan. It was enacted as Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, and signed into law by Richard M. Nixon. While its original use in the 1970s was to prosecute the Mafia as well as others who were actively engaged in organized crime, its later application has been more widespread.

Beginning in 1972, 33 states adopted state RICO laws to be able to prosecute similar conduct.
(...)" (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia: ]

Here are each (corrupt tobacco enterprise - criminal enterprise) how they are organized eactley like the Mafia
(the main, the major companies from tobacco industry), here is each member [like Mafia] organization [like an "industry of Mafia"], Mafia "Family" from "Trade Associations" as Professor of Law Robert Blakey say or show on graphical chart in documentary about Tobacco Industry interests, industry structure, etc.:

[Graphical slide 1 from
Robert Blakey presentation in Tobacco Conspiracy documentary video, movie]

1. Common Purpose:
    Competition in sale of drug delivery system;
    Obscure the secret caracter of cigarettes

2. Decision Making Stucture:
    Committee of General Counsel

3. Continuity:
    1954 and following

"Trade Associations" is form by:

  • The Tobacco Institute
  • Concil for Tobacco Research - Scientific Advisory Board
  • Committee of General Counsel - A committee of lawyers and not of a committee of Scientists!
    A committee of lawyers to conduct or participate in illegal activities, and illegal activities is the Scheme to Defraud.
    Who will they defraud? The medical establishment, the drug agenty, the congress, the president [president of country] and finally they will defraud consummers [people that buy product].
    This industry [Tobacco Industry] did it! Did it intentionaly and did it to make money!
    There is no functional difference between an organized crime family [Mafia] that sells cocaine or heroine and kills people, they are racketeers [Mafia racketeers - protection racket] and a Cigarettes Industry [Tobacco Industry] that sells a product which used as directed kills.


"Trade Associations" members from Tobacco Industry are:

  • Philip Morris Inc. (manufacture and sale) - Philip Morris Co.s
  • United States Tobacco Co. (manufacture & sale) - UST Inc.
  • American Tobacco Co. (manufacture and sale) - American Brands Inc.
  • RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. (manufacture & sale) - RJR Nabisco Inc.
  • Lorillard Tobacco Co. (manufacture and sale) - Loews Corp.
  • Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. (manufacture and sale), British American Tobacco Co. (manufacture and sale) - BAT Industries PLC

National Organized Crime Enterprise: 1967, 24 "Families"

[Graphical slide 2 from Robert Blakey presentation in Tobacco Conspiracy documentary video, movie]

Ohio RICO ACT - "Ohio Pattern of Corrupt Activity Law" (1984)

Unlawful for...
Person or Corporation
     -> associated with an...
          Enterprise or Association:
          1. Common Purpose
          2. Decision Making Structure
          3. Continuity
          -> to conduct or participate in a...
               Pattern of Corrupt Activity:
               Scheme to Defraud

Corrupt Tobacco Enterprise [Industry]

There is no functional difference between an organized crime family [Mafia] that sells cocaine or heroine and kills people, they are rackettiers [Mafia racketeers - protection racket] and Cigarettes Industry [Tobacco Industry] that sells a product which used as directed kills. (Robert Blakey, Professor of Law [professor of International Law in London at University Notre Dame from London], he was in the team who drafted the RICO act for the: US ANTI MAFIA LAW in 2004. - Extract from documentary movie: THE TOBACCO CONSPIRACY - The backroom deals of deadly industry)

"Distinguished chimist William Farone [biochemistry doctor] worked in a key position at Philip Morris [a leading Tobacco Company] for 8 years (1976 - 1984), he agreed to share his experience [women reporter voice in documentary]:
<< I joined Philip Morris in 1976. The purpose for my joining Philip Morris [Tobacco Company] is for reduce the risk in cigarettes, that is to make saffer cigarettes, NOT SAFE, but saffer.
We succeded in finding many different ways to make them saffer, as a matter of fact many of the products that will now been talk about, the technology for those products goes back even before I joined Philip Morris [Tobacco Company].
Millions, hundreds of millions of dollars [$] were spent on doing research that will reduce the harm of the cigarette [that cigarette contain tobacco that will be burn, and burning tobacco will create over 7000 toxic substances, that will contaminate people that smoke (FIRSTHAND SMOKING), people that are near smokers, don't smoke but inhale the smoke from smokers (SECONDHAND SMIKING), and areas, rooms in which smokers were (THIRDHAND SMOKING)] but it [the research] wasn't acctualy used.
The terms of the conduct of the [Tobacco] Industry: if you selling a product that has very high risk and you know how to make a product which dramatically reduces that risk... Until they actually do it... they haven't change.
If is nicotine people want we can give to them safely, they [Philip Morys Tobacco Company] can make inhallers, you can put nicotine in there and sucket in, and without any other chemicals [that came from burning tobacco, and other substances added to tobacco].
They [Philip Morris Tobacco Company] set up a separate company that is in the Pharmaceutical business called CHRYSALIS [CHRISALYS Technologies a division of Philip Morris USA], selling this instrument it's going to deliver drugs, but NOT NICOTINE. They [Philip Morris Tobacco Company] can use it for nicotine! (It would be posibble CHRYSALIS to deliver nicotine? - asked reporter women to William Farone.) SURE! (Why they [PHILIP MORRIS Tobacco Company] don't do it then? - asked reporter women to William Farone.) BECAUSE THEY [PHILIP MORRIS Tobacco Company] DON'T WANT TO [DO IT]! >> (Dr. William Farone, former Director of Research at Philip Morris 1976 - 1984) " (Extract from documentary movie: The Tobacco Conspiracy)
[CHRYSALIS TECHNOLOGIES was established in 2000 as a firstier subsidiary of the Altria Group, Inc. (Altria is PHILIP MORRYS Tobacco Company - CHRISALYS Technologies a division of Philip Morris USA). The company which now operates as division of Philip Morris US, has developed the Aria (TM) soft-mist aerosol technology platform for pulmonary drug delivery and is focused on the development and COMMERCIALIZATION of the Aria (TM) portable inhaler based on this technology. The Company seeks to establish pharmaceutical and biotech company partnerships involving applications where the Aria (TM) inhaller can enable or enhance pulmonary drug delivery. (extract from CHRYSALIS web site as shown in the documentary)]

"In fact in 1983 Phili Morris [Tobacco Company] apply enough pressure to Pharmaceutical companies to restrict access to Nicorette products [nicotine products] for 10 years." (Extract from documentary movie: The Tobacco Conspiracy)
"Another former executive [director] Jeremy has bravery broken in the [tobacco] industry code of "SILENCE" he recently left Altadise [Tobacco Company] and has requested an anonimity:
<< We are here to do business not to question the product that we are selling, we consider the onus [responsibility] on the consumer [customer] and on the state. (...) >> (Jeremy former marketing specialist Seita [Tobacco Company] from France)" (The Tobacco Conspiracy documentary movie)

"Every cigarette is doing you damage! In each time you buy a new pack [of cigarettes] you support an Industry [Tobacco Industry] without ethics!"

(The Tobacco Conspiracy documentary movie)

(Executive [Director] from Tobacco Industry, from a Tobacco Company - he was recorded with a hidden video camera -
The Tobacco Conspiracy documentary movie)

" << Truth >> Advertising Campaign in [year] 2000 outside a major tobacco company.
Every day 1200 people die from tobacco. [write on palcards, posters] How many people Tobacco [Companies] kills every day? You know what? We will leave this [BODY BAGS] "

- The Truth - Advertising Company site:

THE TOBACCO CONSPIRACY - The backroom deals of deadly industry - TBAC, LA CONSPIRATION -
CONSPIRATIA INDUSTRIEI TUTUNULUI - Intelegerile din spatele usilor inchise ale industriei criminale (industriei ucigase) - French version - Youtube - 2

The result of a three-year-long investigation, this has film deciphers the way in which the tobacco industry manages to maintain, indeed increase, its omnipotence to the detriment of the public health.
On three continents - North America, Europe, and Africa - "Tabac, la conspiration" untangles the web of this conspiracy into three main threads: scientific manipulation, subversive trading, economic strategy. Secrets of the tobacco industry...

Director: Nadia Collot
Release Date in Cinemas: Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 1 h 32 min - 92 minutes
Year of Production: 2006 Kuiv Production

Nadia Collot, Auteur;
Année de publication: 2006
ONF (Office National du Film) (Canada), Producteur;
Importance: 92 min
Kuiv productions (Paris, France), Producteur


Mafia este o organizatie criminala secreta, fiind totodata una dintre cele mai periculoase si complexe grupari de crima organizata din istoria recenta. [1]
In anul 2007 s-a estimat ca Mafia a devenit una dintre cele mai mari afaceri din Italia, având o cifra de afaceri de 120 miliarde de dolari pe an.[2]
In noiembrie 2008, Mafia avea o cifra de afaceri de 130 de miliarde de euro si o retea de 180.000 de comercianti implicati[3].
Un centru considerat important al organizatiei este orasul Corleone din Sicilia[3]


In vorbirea curenta, cand se foloseste termenul de "mafie" se subintelege orice "organizatie criminala", lucru gresit. Trebuie facuta o diferentiere intre termenul istoric al mafiei care nu are nici o legatura cu alte organizatii criminale care cauta sa ocupe o pozitie economica si politica in societate, ca de exemplu "mafia rusa" sau "mafia turca".

In secolul al XVII-lea, "mafia" definea un fel de vrajitoare care practica magia alba [magie alba sau magie neagra este acelasi lucru in ambele cazuri se practica vrajitoria, adica lucrarea cu satana, chemarea diavolului si ingerii lui, demonii, deci chemarea celui rau, celui viclean, potrivnicul lui Dumnezeu cel Viu, Dumnezeului cel Adevarat, potrivnicul Domnului Dumnezeului si Mantuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos].
Mai tarziu s-a descoperit intr-un dictionar al dialectului sicilian, termenul maffia care avea mai multe semnificatii ca talharie sau mizerie crancena.

De asemenea, termenul maffiot era echivalent cu "sarac lipit pamantului, plin insa de indrazneala si siguranta de sine".[4]

In lucrarea Mafiotii din Vicaria semnata de Galtano Mosca si Giuseppe Rizzoto publicata in anul 1863, termenului "mafia" i se atribuie pentru prima data sensul cunoscut astazi.

In anul 1882, Viespile Siciliene a fost considerata prima organizatie mafiota. Aceasta era o organizatie secreta, care lupta impotriva ocupatiei franceze. Tot de atunci se considera ca termenul "mafie" ar corespunde prescurtarilor cuvintelor lozincii Morte Alla Francia I'Italia Arde (romana "Moarte Frantei, striga Italia").

O alta varianta a originii termenului ar avea legatura cu o legenda siciliana; organizarea Mafiei si razvratirea siciliana impotriva ocupatiei franceze, a fost declansata, cand un soldat francez in timpul vecerniei, ar fi violat o sicilianca. Mama fetei necinstite ar fi strigat pe strada Ma fia! Ma fia! ("fiica mea" in dialect sicilian vechi). Acest incident ar fi dus la izgonirea dinastiei de Anjou din Sicilia.

In opera Confesiunile unui cap al Mafiei (2008), scrisa de Philip Carlo, acesta afirma ca termenul "mafia", scris cu "m" mic, inseamna barbat de onoare, cineva care merge mandru, cu capul sus si privirea inainte, pe cand, cuvantul "Mafia", scris cu "M" mare, avea sa fie asociat, cu timpul, familiilor de crima organizata, cunoscute si in prezent.

De asemenea, originea etimologica a termenului are diferite izvoare. Cele mai demne de mentionat ar fi a lui Novacco (1959) si Lo Monaco (1990).

  • din limba araba:
    • maha - pestera, grota
    • ma hias - distrugator, obraznic
    • mahfil - adunare, intalnire
    • mu' afa - ofera protectie, siguranta
    • Ma' afir - un trib sarazin care a dominat Sicilia (831–1072)
  • din siciliana:
    • mafiusu, marfusu - arogant, curajos, frumosdin
  • unele dialecte italiene:
    • alfusso - neincrezator, discreditat, criminal
    • mafia - saracie
    • mafi, mafio - pitic, taranoi, mocan nemanierat, hot

Istoria Mafiei

Primele organizatii mafiote traditionale au aparut in comunitatile satesti pe la inceputul secolului al XVIII-lea, avand ca arie de acoperire Sicilia. Chiar si astazi, comunitatile rurale constitue punctul de plecare in formarea bandelor criminale, ca modele de organizare, metode si tehnici de impunere.
italiana functioneaza prin respectarea sferelor de influenta, a zonelor, prin respectarea "legii tacerii", adaptabilitatea la noile conditii.

Insa o caracteristica importanta mafiei o reprezinta interconexiunile cu puterea politica. De asemenea, mafia italiana are relatii "de afaceri" cu alte organizatii criminale, cum ar fi cartelurile columbiene sau triadele chinezesti. Mafia italiana a aparut in Sicilia, raspandindu-se si in Roma, Milano, Napoli si Torino.
Din cauza emigrarilor masive din aceasta tara, mafia s-a extins ajungand si in Austria, Statele Unite, Canada si Australia. Conform istoricului Paolo Pezzino, Mafia este o organizatie care nu se multumeste doar sa activeze in anumite domenii de interes criminale, ci vrea si sa isi impuna autoritatea asupra anumitor autoritati publice in teritoriile pe care vor sa le controleze.

Mafia si criminalitatea organizata

Organizatie criminala semnifica activitatile infractionale ale unor grupuri constituite pe principii conspirative, in scopul obtinerii unor importante venituri ilicite la cote deosebit de ridicate.

Mafia se deosebeste de celelalte forme de criminalitate organizata prin structura. Mafia are o origine siciliana, fiind bazata pe asa numita familie, care de fapt nu este o familie propriu zisa, ci o organizatie ierarhica a membrilor de origine siciliana, care trebuie sa respecte un codex familial.
Cei care nu respecta aceste legi interne patriarhale ([legi date numai de barbati] femeile fiind excluse) sunt pedepsiti exemplar prin metode deosebit de brutale, ajungand-se pana la asasinarea acestora

Fiecare familie mafiota are un sef, care poate avea un sef suprem (capo dei capi), membrii familiei fiind obligati la o supunere oarba fata de sefi.


Sursa: Mafia (organizatie [criminala]) - Wikipedia -

Protection racket - Mafia racketeers

A protection racket is a scheme whereby a group provides protection to businesses or other groups through violence outside the sanction of the law. Through the credible threat of violence, the racketeers deter people from swindling, robbing, injuring, sabotaging or otherwise harming their clients. Protection rackets tend to appear in markets where the police and judiciary cannot be counted on to provide legal protection, either because of incompetence (as in weak or failed states) or illegality (black markets).

Protection rackets are often indistinguishable in practice from extortion rackets since, for the latter, there will be an implied threat that the racketeers themselves may attack the business if it fails to pay for their protection. In an extortion racket, the racketeers agree simply to not attack a business. In a protection racket the criminals agree to defend a business from any attack. Conversely, extortion racketeers will have to defend their clients if threatened by a rival gang to avoid the client transferring their allegiance.

Certain scholars, such as Diego Gambetta, classify criminal organizations engaged in protection racketeering as "mafia", as the racket is popular with both the Sicilian Mafia and Italian-American Mafia.


A protection racket is an operation where criminals provide protection to persons and properties, settle disputes and enforce contracts in markets where the police and judicial system cannot be relied upon.

Gambetta's The Sicilian Mafia (1996)[1] and Varese's The Russian Mafia (2001)[2] define the mafia as a type of organized crime group that specializes in the provision of private protection.

Protection racketeers or mafia groups operate mostly in the black market, providing buyers and sellers the security they need for smooth transactions; but empirical data collected by Gambetta and Varese suggests that mafia groups are able to offer private protection to corporations and invidiviuals in legal markets when the state fails to offer sufficient and efficient protection to the people in need.
Two elements distinguish racketeers from legal security firms.
The first element is their willingness to deploy violent retribution that falls outside the limits the law normally extends to civilian security firms, going as far as premeditated murder.
The other element is that racketeers are willing to involve themselves in illegal markets.

Recent studies show that mafia groups or gangs are not the only form of protection racket or extra-legal protector, and another important form of protection racket is corrupt networks consisting of public officials, especially those from criminal justice agencies.[3]
For example, Wang's The Chinese Mafia (2017)[4] examines protection rackets in China and suggests two types of extra-legal protectors, namely the Black Mafia (local gangs) and the Red Mafia (networks of corrupt government officials). Wang's narrative suggests that local gangs are quasi law enforcers in both legal and illegal markets, and corrupt public officials are extra-legal protectors, safeguarding local gangs, protecting illegal entrepreneurs in the criminal underworld, offering protection to businesspeople, and selling public appointments to buyers.

Territorial monopolies

A protection racketeer cannot tolerate competition within his sphere of influence from another racketeer. If a dispute erupted between two clients (e.g. businessmen competing for a construction contract) who are protected by rival racketeers, the two racketeers would have to fight each other to win the dispute for their respective clients. The outcomes of such fights can be unpredictable, and neither racketeer would be able to guarantee a victory for his client. This would make their protection unreliable and of little value--their clients would likely dismiss them and settle the dispute by other means. Therefore, racketeers negotiate territories in which they can monopolize the use of violence in settling disputes.[5] These territories may be geographical, or they may be a certain type of business or form of transaction.

Providing genuine protection

Sometimes racketeers will warn other criminals that the client is under their protection and that they will punish anyone who harms the client. Services that the racketeers may offer may include the recovery of stolen property or punishing vandals. The racketeers may even advance the interests of the client by forcing out—or otherwise hindering/intimidating—unprotected competitors.[6]

Protection from theft and vandalism is one service the racketeer may offer. For instance, in Sicily, mafiosi know all the thieves and fences in their territory, and can track down stolen goods and punish thieves who dare to attack their clients.

Protection racketeers establish what they hope will be indefinitely long bonds with their clients. This allows the racketeers to publicly declare a client to be under their protection. Thus, thieves and other predators will have little confusion as to who is and isn't protected.

Protection racketeers are not necessarily criminals. In A Short History of Progress, Ronald Wright notes on p.49, "The warrior caste, supposedly society's protectors, often become protection racketeers. In times of war or crisis, power is easily stolen from the many by the few on a promise of security. The more elusive or imaginary the foe, the better for manufacturing consent."


  • During the late medieval and early modern era in the Scottish Marches, local farmers would often need to make payments to the Border Reivers as a form of protection money to ensure they are not attacked. These agreements were called "Black mal", where "mal" was an Old Norse word meaning agreement. The word blackmail entered the English language in 1530 as a result, but the word's meaning has changed since.[7]
  • In Melbourne, Australia, Alphonse Gangitano ran a protection racket along the famous Lygon Street during the 1990s.
  • In Sicily, Italy, officials say that 80% of businesses in the city of Palermo pay pizzo, or protection money, to the Sicilian Mafia.[8]
  • In Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, when the Mexican Drug War escalated in 2008, criminal groups like the Juárez Cartel saw their financial backbone threatened and began asking for protection money from businesses ranging from convenience stores to clubs and restaurants with the threat of burning down the business, kidnapping the owners or killing everyone inside with assault rifles.[9]
  • In post-Soviet Russia, law enforcement was too underfunded and poorly trained to protect businesses and enforce contracts. Most businesses had to join a protection racket (known as a krysha, the Russian word for "roof") run by local gangsters.[10][11][12]
  • In the United Kingdom in the 1950s and 60s the Kray twins ran protection rackets in the East End of London.[13]

Government protection rackets

Government officials may demand bribes to look the other way or extort something of value from citizens or corporations in the form of a kickback. It need not always be money. A lucrative job after leaving office may have been in exchange for protection offered when in office. Payment may also show up indirectly in the form of a campaign contribution. Stopping governments agencies as a whole, and buying protection in the government is called regulatory capture.


Sursa: Protection racket [protectia raketilor] - Wikipedia -

PERICOLELE FUMULUI DE TIGARE DE MANA A TREIA - DANGERS OF THIRDHAND SMOKE: Exposure to thirdhand smoke in clothes, furniture, on dust, car of smoker - Playlist youtube

Informatii utile:

- In sfarsit nefumator - Metoda usoara a lui Allen Carr - Editura Humanitas - 2004 (prima editie)

- Adio, pahar ! - Efectele alcoolului asupra organismului uman. - Dr. Emil Radulescu - Editura Viata si Sanatate - 2009 (prima editie) (carte)

- PRODUSELE COSMETICE UZUALE contin substante EXTREM DE TOXICE! - Vezi INGREDIENTELE NESANATOASE din aceste cosmetice si produse de ingrijire, si BOLILE DECLANSATE DE ACESTEA. - Alternativele la cosmeticele uzuale sunt produsele Bio sau Organice, Ecologice

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- Femeia crestina si femeia moderna - Unde este FEMEIA CRESTINA de candva? - Ce e cu tine FEMEIE CRESTINA? - Si despre IMBRACAMINTE, INCALTAMINTE, PODOABE, BIJUTERII, PLAJA, VOPSIT, MACHIAJ SI PRIVIRE intr-o CULTURA A CURVIEI, a desfranarii, desfraului, etc


- Pornografia maladia secolului XXI - Virgiliu Gheorghe - Editura Prodromos, Asociatia pentru apararea familiei si copilului - 2011 (prima editie) (carte - descarcare gratuita PDF)

- Indrumarul medical si crestin despre viata al Federatiei Organizatiilor Ortodoxe Pro-Vita din Romania - Dr. Christa Todea-Gross, Preot prof. dr. Ilie Moldovan - Editura Renasterea - 2008 (prima editie) (carte - descarcare gratuita PDF)

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