Alimentatie nesanatoasa - Aditivii alimentari, E-urile | |
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Vineri, 12 Noiembrie 2010 | |
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Azi, monoglutamatul de sodiu sintetic sau sarea chinezeasca este produs la scara industriala.Monoglutamatul de sodiu (MGS) - E621 este un aditiv alimentar TOXIC - NEUROTOXINA, EXCITOTOXINA - cunoscut si sub numele de: potentiator de aroma, potentiator de gust, glutamat de sodiu, si din engleza monosodium glutamate (MSG) sau sodium glutamate, umami, MSG-Umami, umami seasoning, etc. consumat declanseaza in timp boli grave.
Japonia, China, SUA, Germania sunt cei mai mari exportatori si se bat pe o piata incredibila, care a urcat la 4 miliarde de euro pe an. Fiindca in industria alimentara, UMAMI a devenit secretul profitului. Monoglutamatul de sodiu este folosit din belsug de marii producatori de alimente ca potentiator de aroma. Aici e cheia: tot ce cumparam din comert e mult mai delicios decat ce gatim acasa.
Descarca fisierul (75.3 MB) Pentru a salva pe calculatorul dumneavoastra fisierul, dati click dreapta pe link si apoi alegeti "Save Target As ..." sau "Save Link As ..." Emisiunea TV: Romania te iubesc ! la Pro TV - 2 Mai 2010 - 22 minute Subiectul emisiunii: Umami, al cincilea gust " periculos de bun " - Umami si MONOGLUTAMATUL DE SODIU - E621 - NEUROTOXINELE (EXCITOTOXINELE) Aditivii alimentari (E-urile) si bolile induse de mancarea procesata, industrializataInvitati: - Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Bajemaru - sef Sectie Neurologie spitalul Universitar Bucuresti- Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Mencinicopschi - directorul Institutului de Cercetari Alimentare din Bucuresti - ICA BucurestiDr.-Virgiliu-Stroescu-030-Apostolul-vegetarianismului-(Dr.-Virgiliu-Stroescu)-fata-in-fata-cu-parintele-bibliei-alimentare-(Dr.-Gheorghe-Mencinicopschi)-NationalTV-13-Mai-2008-67-min.flv
- Lect. univ. dr. Corina Zugravu - medic nutritie- Anca Nastasi - corespondent PRO TV- Dr. Liliana Veres - sef Clinica de Alergologie si Imunologie Iasi- Teo Nestor - bucatar
Savoare, deliciu, acel ceva ce-ti lasa gura apa, nu te lasa sa te opresti, desi nu mai ai nevoie si nici nu mai poti. Placere! Senzatie primara care-l face pe copil sa nu se potoleasca la san pana cand nu adoarme epuizat. Al cincilea gust: UMAMI.
Azi, monoglutamatul de sodiu sintetic sau sarea chinezeasca este produs la scara industriala.Japonia, China, SUA, Germania sunt cei mai mari exportatori si se bat pe o piata incredibila, care a urcat la 4 miliarde de euro pe an. Fiindca in industria alimentara, UMAMI a devenit secretul profitului. Monoglutamatul de sodiu este folosit din belsug de marii producatori de alimente ca potentiator de aroma. Aici e cheia: tot ce cumparam din comert e mult mai delicios decat ce gatim acasa. Toate au in comun acest E 621 adaugat - monoglutamatul de sodiu, produs sintetic din culturi bacteriene sau din vegetale fermentate. Perfect legal, desi nutritionistii si cercetatorii alimentari nu il recomanda.Intelegem ca glutamatul natural ne trebuie, dar cum ramane cu cel sintetic si adaugat peste doza pe care ne-o luam din natura? Nici n-au aparut bine studiile care demonstrau legatura intre obezitatea la copii si E621, cel mai mare producator japonez a scos pe piata un studiu care demonstra ca din contra - monoglutamatul de sodiu ar putea reduce ingrasarea.Pe cine sa credem? Cel putin ambele tabere sunt de acord intr-o privinta: gustul UMAMI e dumnezeiesc! Iar orice mancare, indiferent cat de proasta si de lipsita de elemente hranitoare, daca-i pui E621 devine gustoasa. Prof. dr. Gheorghe Mencinicopschi: Acidul citric este un aditiv alimentar (un E) care hraneste celulele canceroase si grabeste declansarea, crestera si dezvoltarea cancerului.
In tara sunt zeci de astfel de hale industriale pline cu saci si canistre de coloranti, acidifianti, emulgatori, gelifianti, arome, potentiatori, gume si prafuri fara de care industria alimentara n-ar mai fi atat de profitabila.
Aditivii vin din Germania, din Elvetia, din Marea Britanie si din tarile asiatice. Umami se vinde foarte bine! Monoglutamatul de sodiu este unul din best-seller-uri. Un sac costa cativa euro, mai ieftin decat carnea pura!
Injectarea se foloseste in mai toata industria de carne:
Imaginile din arhiva Stirilor ProTv (vedeti emisiunea TV de mai sus) arata ca injectoarele sunt nelipsite, iar mezelurile din carne tocata sunt pline de prafuri ce le dau savoare, de apa si sare - ca sa traga la cantar. Nimic de zis, conform normelor UE. Medicii spun ca peste 70% din cazurile de cancer s-ar putea preveni prin alimentatie sanatoasa.Cand cumperi un lucru si nu e bun, vezi destul de repede. Insa cu mancarea e altfel: nu mananc acum si ma ingras maine, nu fac cancer peste o zi si nici infarct. Part 1 in this series on the flavor enhancer MSG or monosodium glutamate (E621) shows the hidden danger in our food today. MSG is used in thousands of products, such as snacks, soups, sauces, meats, flavored potato chips and most Chinese food. The Dangers of MSG - Part 2a of 4 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy' (Flavor Enhancers, E621) Part 2 (not anywhere else on YouTube, split due to its length) shows the effects of MSG (E621) on the brain and on the nervous system. Consumption of MSG during the first few years of life causes brain damage due to improper 'wiring' of the brain. The Dangers of MSG - Part 2b of 4 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy' (Flavor Enhancers, E621) The Dangers of MSG - Part 3 of 4 'MSG, Cancer & Your Heart' (Flavor Enhancers, E621) Part 3 in the series about MSG shows the effects of MSG on the heart and on cancer. MSG (E621) affects heart rhythm and can cause heart attacks. MSG also acts as a fertilizer for cancer! The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate or MSG is used in thousands of savory food products such as sauces, snacks, flavored potato chips/crisps, soups, meats, fast food and most chinese food. Losing weight is nearly impossible if you consume MSG as it increases appetite! The consumption of MSG, in addition to the consumption of trans fats and artificial sweeteners, is the main cause of the present obesity epidemic. The Dangers of MSG - Part 4 of 4 'Avoiding the MSG Threat' (Flavor Enhancers, E621) Part 4 in this series about MSG (E621) will show how to avoid it in grocery stores and restaurants as MSG has many hidden names! The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate or MSG is used in thousands of savory food products such as sauces, snacks, flavored potato chips/crisps, soups, meats, fast food and most chinese food. Trade names of MSG include Ajinomoto, Vetsin and Accent. MSG enhances the flavor of your food, but it is NOT safe! Additives that ALWAYS contain MSG: gelatin, calcium caseinate, monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), textured protein (including TVP), hydrogenated vegetable oil, autolyzed plant protein, monopotassium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP), hydrolyzed oat flour, corn oil, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, glutamate, glutamic acid, yeast extract, yeast food or nutrient, autolyzed yeast. Additives that OFTEN contain MSG: natural flavors, flavors, flavoring, seasonings, broth, bouillon, malted barley, modified food starch, barley malt, reaction flavors, rice syrup or brown rice syrup, stock, malt extract or flavoring, natural chicken, beef or pork flavoring, maltodextrin, dextrose, dextrates, lipolyzed butter fat, caramel flavoring (coloring), soy protein, soy sauce or extract, soy protein iIsolate or concentrate, corn syrup and corn syrup solids, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, cornstarch fructose, milk powder, dry milk solids, protein fortified milk, carrageenan, wheat, rice, corn or oat protein, flowing agents, whey protein or whey, anything enriched or vitamin enriched, protein fortified 'anything', annatto, whey protein isolate or concentrate, yeast nutrients, enzyme modified 'anything', spice, pectin, guar and vegetable gums, ultra-pasteurized 'anything', dough conditioners, lecithin, protease, protease enzymes, fermented 'anything', gluten and gluten flour, protein powders (whey, soy, oat, and rice) used in protein bars, shakes and body building drinks, amino acids, wheat/ barley grass powders, artificial flavor. The E-numbers of harmful flavor enhancers: E620 Glutamic acid E621 Monosodium glutamate E622 Monopotassium glutamate E623 Calcium diglutamate E624 Monoammonium glutamate E625 Magnesium diglutamate E626 Guanylic acid E627 Disodium guanylate E628 Dipotassium guanylate E629 Calcium guanylate E630 Inosinic acid E631 Disodium inosinate E632 Dipotassium inosinate E633 Calcium inosinate E634 Calcium 5'-ribonucleotides E635 Disodium 5'-ribonucleotide E636 Maltol E637 Ethylmaltol Enormous amounts of flavor enhancers are added to our food. Governmental agencies insist that they are safe. But research that shows the 'safety' of MSG is always financed by the food industry itself... More about MSG: Trade names of MSG include Ajinomoto, Vetsin and Accent. MSG is 'hidden' in many other names, such as yeast extract, hydrolised protein and flavoring. MSG makes your food taste better but it's NOT safe! The harmful effects of MSG include heart problems, cancer, ADHD, autism, growth disruptions, learning disorders, behavioral problems, obesity, hormonal imbalance, damage to the retina, etc. Many problems don't become obvious until puberty. This is caused by poor functioning of the hormones due to exposure to MSG in the first few years of life. MSG affects many parts of the body including heart, muscles, nerves, circulation, skin, eyes, stomach, intestines, respiration, etc. Losing weight is nearly impossible if you consume MSG as it increases appetite! The consumption of MSG, in addition to the consumption of trans fats and artificial sweeteners, is the main cause of the present obesity epidemic. Dr. John Olney discovered in 1969 that MSG caused brain damage and obesity in mice. Governmental agencies such as the US Food & Drug Administration insist that flavor enhancers are safe. But research that shows the safety of MSG is always financed by the food industry itself..... Do yourself a big favor and remove this poison out of your diet and your health will definitely improve! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 (KJV) "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance." Isaiah 55:2 (NKJV) "With all thy getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7 (KJV) Video playlist 'The Dangers of MSG (E621)': More information about MSG: How the public is being manipulated: Dangerous food additives (E-numbers): Do you find it difficult to lose weight and live healthy? The solution is actually quite simple. Avoid all artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers and (partially) hydrogenated oils/fats (trans fats) as they are the main causes of obesity and disease. Have your dental amalgam silver fillings removed safely(!) as they cause mercury poisoning. Avoid fluoridated water and fluoride toothpaste. Do no longer use microwaves as they destroy up to 97% of the nutrients and vitamins in your food! Read the book 'Fit for Life' by Harvey Diamond. This book will transform your life, in fact you'll never have to get on a diet again for the rest of your life! Video playlist 'Real Cures for Diseases': Would you like to make a difference? For all my health videos search for: health4me Cum actioneaza asupra Creierului Majoritatea Pudrelor Proteice, Aspartamul (E951) si Monoglutamatul de Sodiu (MSG - E621)! What Most Protein Powders, Aspartame and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Do To Your Brain! Informatii utile: - Aditivii alimentari periculosi pentru sanatate! - Lista aditivilor alimentari periculosi. Otrava zilnica din mancare. Ce nu stiai despre aditivii alimentari (E-uri). - Drumul catre iad este pavat cu aspartam - The Dangers of Aspartame (Artificial Sweeteners Sugarfree Diet Coke Zero No Sugar Added E951) - E-urile, camuflate de producatorii de alimente (producatorii din industria alimentara) sub denumiri stiintifice, sub denumirile lor chimice, pentru a nu trezi suspiciunile cumparatorilor ! - ASPARTAMUL SI INDULCITORII ARTIFICIALI, produsele fara zahar, Light - Dulce mizerie, O LUME OTRAVITA CU ASPARTAM SI INDULCITORI ARTIFICIALI CARE SUNT NEUROTOXINE, EXCITOTOXINE producand:TULBURARI NEUROLOGICE, FIBROMIALGIE, DIABET, TUMORI, etc. - Video - 89 minute - DUSMANII DIN ALIMENTE ! - Aditivii alimentari - E-urile - E-urile provoaca tulburari comportamentale - E-urile si declansarea bolilor - Prof. Dr. Pavel Chirila si Dr. Mihaela Ionescu - Antena 2 Antena 2 Special - 10 Aprilie 2008 - 76 minute - PRODUSELE COSMETICE UZUALE contin substante EXTREM DE TOXICE! - Vezi INGREDIENTELE NESANATOASE din aceste cosmetice si produse de ingrijire, si BOLILE DECLANSATE DE ACESTEA. - Alternativele la cosmeticele uzuale sunt produsele Bio sau Organice, Ecologice