OMUL FARA MAINI SI PICIOARE CARE SALVEAZA VIETI! Nick Vujicic, vorbitor motivational. Despre atitudine, problemele vietii, puterea incurajarii, ajutor, prietenie, dragoste neconditioanata, scopul vietii, speranta, alegeri, familie,viata mai buna,etc-Video Imprimare
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Miercuri, 13 Martie 2013
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OMUL FARA MAINI SI PICIOARE CARE SALVEAZA VIETI ! - Nick Vujicic, vorbitor motivational.

Despre atitudine, problemele vietii, puterea incurajarii, ajutor, prietenie, dragoste neconditioanata, scopul vietii, speranta, alegeri, familie, viata mai buna, etc.

Nick Vujicic - Attitude is / Life Without

Nicholas James Vujicic, (born on 4 December 1982) is an Australian preacher and motivational speaker born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs.

Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope, and finding meaning in life (Wikipedia).

For more information you can visit these websites:
- - Learn how Nick Vujicic went from No Limbs to No Limits!

Nick Vujicic is an evangelist who has shared a message of hope to over 5 million people in 44 countries. He shares how his faith, which is rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ, changed his life forever! He is the Founder, President and CEO of Life Without Limbs, a non-profit organization whose mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through Nick’s own life. Click below to see what the non-profit Life Without Limbs is currently doing and how YOU can get involved!

Attitude is Altitude is where Nick Vujicic globally inspires people in motivational settings for all demographics including schools and corporate conferences. School students hear about the importance of having an attitude of gratitude, a positive self image, courage to dream big, and perseverance to never give up. He presents values, principles, attitudes, perspectives that challenge and equip people from all walks of life to overcome their adversities.

People say to me, "How can you smile?". Then they realize there's got to be something more to life than meets the eye if a guy without arms and legs is living a fuller life than I am. Through his amazing ability to connect with people from all walks of life and his incredible sense of humor that captivates children, teens and adults alike... Nick is truly an inspiration.
Follow the above links for more details on my faith and love for life!!!

If you like what you see and want an official video of Nick Vujicic, then please visit his online store at: or

- Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. Subsequently he became a motivational speaker, travelling internationally and focusing on teen issues.

Having addressed 5 million people in 44 countries on five continents, he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations, and schools.

Vujicic speaking during the session "Inspired for a Lifetime" at the Annual Meeting 2011 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on 30 January 2011

Nick Vujicic - "Something More" Music Video - August 22, 2011

Here it is... written by Tyrone Wells, produced by Jon Phelps, video directed by Matt Koppin, produced by Attitude Is Altitude, sang by Nick Vujicic... ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!! Ladies & Gentlemen... here it is... "Something More"...

To purchase the Something More single on iTunes click the link below:

Your purchase says "Nick- we want you to do an album"!

Life Without Limbs - Nick Vujicic by Nick Vujicic at Rock Church - February 11, 2012

Today's message is from special guest Nick Vujicic in which he shares his miraculous journey of faith.

"Tears cleans the windows of your soul, that's why you'll feel good after cry." (Nick Vujicic)
"Lacrimile curata ferestrele sufleltului tau, din aceasta cauza te simti bine dupa ce plangi." (Nick Vujicic)

"When God doesn't give you a miracle, you can still be a miracle for somebody else." (Nick Vujicic)
"Cand Dumnezeu nu iti da un miracol, inca poti fii un miracol pentru altcineva." (Nick Vujicic)

Nick Vujicic - Love Without Limits-Bully Talk - February 25, 2013

My experiences with bullies left me feeling intimidated, depressed, anxious and sick to my stomach. If you know my personal story, you'll remember that most grade school days ended with tears and on one occasion led me to a failed suicide attempt.

I didn't tell my parents when I was picked on because I didn't want to upset them. I thought I could handle it myself, but I was wrong. I should have told them.

As I travel around the world talking to tens of thousands of young people, it is evident that no one is immune from being bullied. This epidemic is not unique to North America. Bullying is a global issue.

Nick Vujicic - Live Forever - 4 March 2013

Nick recently traveled to Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, spreading his message of hope to Eastern Europe.

The success of the tour was only a glimpse of what's ahead for the World Outreach. See how your support has made a global impact! WATCH NOW

How Nick Vujicic Triumphed Against All Odds - Oprah's Lifeclass - Oprah Winfrey Network - January 13, 2013

Born in Australia without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic, now 30 years old, has become a symbol of triumph. After enduring years of torment and attempting suicide at age 10, Nick says, he had an awakening. Find out why Pastor Rick Warren says Nick is one of the best examples of winning the hand you're dealt he's ever encountered. How did Nick choose to make the most of his life? Watch and see. From Oprah's Lifeclass.

"I had parents who were my heroes, they always said: "You can either be angry for what you don't have or be thankful for what you do have, do your best and God will do the rest." (Nick Vujicic)

"Am avut parinti care au fost eroii mei, au spus mereu: "Poti fii furios fie pentru ceea ce nu ai sau sa fii recunoscator pentru ceea ce ai, fa cat poti de bine ceea ce faci si Dumnezeu va face restul." (Nick Vujicic)

Nick Vujicic becoming dad soon! Congratulations! - September 27, 2012

Heartiest congratulations to parents-to-be Nick Vujicic and Kanae Miyahara who are currently expecting their first child...

Praise God - Baby Kiyoshi James Vujicic BORN on 14 Feb 2013.

Excerpts from "Unstoppable" authored by Nick Vujicic (Pg 58):
Kanae and her older sister, Yoshie.....have exotic looks because their mother is Mexican and their father, who sadly passed away, was Japanese...

Limbless Australian motivational speaker and evangelist Nick Vujicic announced the good news that he and his wife are expecting.

Vujicic posted the ultrasound picture of the unborn child and commented on his Facebook page that his wife has been pregnant for 13 weeks and he gave thanks to God, "God is so good!"
Fans who have heard Vujicic speak from past evangelistic conferences recalled the time that he prayed to be married and have children.

Yany commented that about eight years ago at Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena, California, Vujicic prayed that God will give him a wife, which He did, but He also gave him a son. She further commented that God is good to all those who seek him.
Vujicic and his Japanese-American wife Kanae Miyahara got married in February of this year in southern California. During their honeymoon, he said through internet television that he can't wait to be a father and looks forward to hugging and playing with his children.

Meanwhile, Vujicic has announced that his new book Unstoppable will be published on October 2nd and that it is available now for pre-orders. His last book Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life has inspired countless lives in the world.

Nick Vujicic (Nicholas James Vujicic), 29 years old, has addressed over three million people in 25 countries, including Australia, United States, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, South Africa, Columbia, India, and others.
Although he is so different from most people in this world, he believes that to own a healthy mind and spirit from the power of faith is more important than having anything else.

His life and speeches have touched countless lives, allowing the audience to know that God has created everyone with a beautiful purpose. Despite the many limitations in life, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."


Nick Vujicic welcomes baby son - 14 February 2013

Evangelist and motivational speaker Nick Vujicic has announced the birth of his son.

Vujicic made the announcement to fans on his Facebook page last night.

Kiyoshi James Vujicic is his first child with wife Kanae Miyahara.

Vujicic has inspired people around the world with his personal story of being born without arms or legs and how he has succeeded in leading a happy and fulfilled life.

He travels the world encouraging people, especially teens, not to give up in the face of difficult circumstances and develop a positive outlook on life no matter what they are going through.

Vujicic has spoken openly of how he contemplated suicide at the age of eight and complained to God about his limitations, before learning how to be grateful for and use what he did have for the glory of God and the good of others.

He and Kanae wed last year (2012). Announcing the birth of Kiyoshi, he said: "Thank you Jesus!"



Nick Vujicic and Kanae Miyaharaa on their wedding - Congratulations to Nick Vujicic ♥ Kanae Miyahara - February 17, 2012

Heartiest congratulations to Nick Vujicic and Kanae Miyaharaa on their wedding.
Wishing the beautiful couple a wonderful blessed journey as they build their new life together.

Excerpts from "Life Without Limits- How to live a ridiculously good life" (2010) authored by Nick Vujicic (Pg 9):
...My parents met in a Melbourne church. My mum, Dushka, was in her second year of nursing school at the Royal Children's Hospital in Victoria. My dad, Boris, worked in office administration and cost accounting. He later became a lay pastor in addition to his job. When I was about seven years old, my parents began considering a move to the United States because they felt there might be better access to new prosthetics and medical care to help us deal with my disabilities.

My uncle Batta Vujicic had a construction and property management business in Agoura Hills just miles outside Los Angeles. Batta always told my father he'd give him a job if he could obtain a work visa. There was a large community of Serbian Christians with several churches around Los Angeles, which also appealed to my parents. My father learned that obtaining a work visa was a long, drawn-out process. He decided to apply, but in the meantime my family moved a thousand miles north to Brisbane, Queensland, where the climate was better for me, as I had allergies along with my other challenges...

Motivational Speaker Nick Vujicic Gets Married - Feb 17, 2012

By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter

Now this is a truly inspirational story.

A man who was born without limbs and has spent his life motivating others is now benefiting from all that good karma by marrying the love of his life.

Motivational speaker Nick Vujicic married Kanae Miyahara on February 12 in a romantic ceremony in California, and now the happy couple are enjoying their honeymoon in Hawaii.

Just like any other newlyweds, they are spending their romantic vacation relaxing on the beach, taking holiday photos and enjoying sunset cocktails -- the only thing that makes them different is that Nick has no arms or legs, but that's never stopped him from fulfilling any of this life dreams so it certainly wasn't going to prevent him from making a trip down the aisle.

Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, there was no medical explanation or warning to suggest that Nick was going to be different from any other baby until his birth. Parents Pastor Boris and Dushka Vujicic were determined that his disability wouldn't prevent their son from leading a normal life, or even skateboarding like other kids!

The self-sufficient boy soon began learning to do daily tasks on his own, such as writing with the two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He then learned to use a computer and type using the "heel and toe" method, and even throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get himself a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave.

After a tough time in school being bullied for being different, Nick went to college and got a double Bachelor's degree, majoring in Accounting and Financial Planning from Griffith University in Logan, Australia.

Instead of wallowing in his misfortunate, Nick was determined to make the most of the cards God dealt him and help others. "I found the purpose of my existence, and also the purpose of my circumstance. There's a purpose for why you're in the fire," he wrote on his website for his non-profit organization,

Vujicic has since made a name for himself traveling around the world as a motivational speaker, and finally made the big move from Australia to California in 2007, where he popped the question to Kanae last August.

"The greatest blessing I've ever received after life, salvation, and a relationship with God: introducing Nick and Kanae engaged!!!" he told his many fans.

Nick Vujici books from
- Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action by Nick Vujicic (Oct 2, 2012)

Being unstoppable is about believing and achieving. It’s about having faith in yourself, your talents and your purpose and, most of all, in God’s great love and His divine plan for your life.
Millions around the world recognize the smiling face and inspirational message of Nick Vujicic.  Despite being born without arms or legs, Nick’s challenges have not kept him from enjoying great adventures, a fulfilling and meaningful career, and loving relationships. Nick has overcome trials and hardships by focusing on the promises that he was created for a unique and specific purpose, that his life has value and is a gift to others, and that no matter the despair and hard times in life, God is always present. Nick credits his success in life to the power that is unleashed when faith takes action.

But how does that happen? In Unstoppable Nick addresses adversity and difficult circumstances that many people face today, including:  
* Personal crises
* Relationship issues
* Career and job challenges
* Health and disability concerns
* Self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and addictions
* Bullying, persecution, cruelty, and intolerance
* Balance in body, mind, heart, and spirit  
* Service to others

Through stories from his own life and the experiences of many others, Nick explains how anyone wanting a "ridiculously good life" can respond to these issues and more to become unstoppable. What’s standing in your way?  Are you ready to become unstoppable?

- Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life by Nick Vujicic (Jun 5, 2012)

What Would Your Life be Like if Anything Were Possible?

Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disabilities to live an independent, rich, fulfilling, and "ridiculously good" life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, Nick eagerly spreads his central message: the most important goal is to find your life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in your way.

Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured while learning to deal with them as a child, teen, and young adult. "For the longest, loneliest time, I wondered if there was anyone on earth like me, and whether there was any purpose to my life other than pain and humiliation." Nick shares how his faith in God has been his major source of strength, and he explains that once he found a sense of purpose - inspiring others to better their lives and the world around them - he found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits. Let Nick inspire you to start living your own life without limits.

Includes a Life Without Limits Personal Action Plan to help anyone determine their unique path to a successful life.

More Nick Vujici books from Amazon:

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