Dependenta de Pornografie: Un Drog Nou - Pornography Addiction: The New Drug Imprimare
Familie si educatie - Familie
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Miercuri, 08 Decembrie 2010
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In Child Development, Education, Families, Media, Pornography on February 19, 2010 at 4:26 pm
As media has become more accessible to us, the $57 billion world wide pornography industry has crept into our homes through TV, magazines and especially the Internet.
Pornography addiction has become an ever increasing problem throughout the world. Over 40 million adults in the US regularly visit pornography sites.
However the largest consumers of Internet pornography are the 12-17 age groups, mostly while doing homework. 90% of teens have viewed pornography online, which illustrates the importance of education for parents and teens on how to tread cautiously online.
Launched this month, the PornHarms website is dedicated to “providing the most accurate peer-reviewed research on the harm from pornography, along with relevant news and opinion.” The idea for the site was created when unable to find accurate research about the troubles of pornography.
“Since the advent of the internet, pornography has flooded homes, businesses, public libraries and even schools. The results have been devastating to the social and family fabric of America,” site creator Patrick Trueman stated.
PornHarms is not the only website fighting against pornography. A non-profit group based in Utah Fight the New Drug has recently launched an international campaign for pornography addiction awareness. They compare pornography addiction to the use of hard drugs such as heroine and crystal meth.
Pornography addiction is an ever growing problem that we all need to be educated about.
Source: The United Families International Blog

In Child Development, Education, Families, Media, Pornography on February 19, 2010 at 4:26 pm

As media has become more accessible to us, the $57 billion world wide pornography industry has crept into our homes through TV, magazines and especially the Internet.

Pornography addiction has become an ever increasing problem throughout the world. Over 40 million adults in the US regularly visit pornography sites.

However the largest consumers of Internet pornography are the 12-17 age groups, mostly while doing homework. 90% of teens have viewed pornography online, which illustrates the importance of education for parents and teens on how to tread cautiously online.

Launched this month, the PornHarms website is dedicated to “providing the most accurate peer-reviewed research on the harm from pornography, along with relevant news and opinion.” The idea for the site was created when unable to find accurate research about the troubles of pornography.

“Since the advent of the internet, pornography has flooded homes, businesses, public libraries and even schools. The results have been devastating to the social and family fabric of America,” site creator Patrick Trueman stated.
PornHarms is not the only website fighting against pornography. A non-profit group based in Utah Fight the New Drug has recently launched an international campaign for pornography addiction awareness. They compare pornography addiction to the use of hard drugs such as heroine and crystal meth.

Pornography addiction is an ever growing problem that we all need to be educated about.

Source: The United Families International Blog


"...Pornografie inseamna orice imagine care eschibeaza partile intime ale trupului uman in scopul de a produce o excitatie sexuala. Orice imagine este pornografie si ce vedeti in cotidiene tot pornografie se numeste si tot ce vedeti pe afise tot pornografie se numeste, conform etimologiei pornografie, "porni" in greaca inseamna desfranata, prostituata. Tot ce inseamna ati vinde o imagine inseamna pornografie..." - Virgiliu Gheorghe

Pornografie este un termen care desemneaza o lucrare precum o scriere, un desen, o fotografie (imagine, poza, tablou, pictura), o gravura, un film, o inregistrare video sau audio care prezinta scene explicite destinate a fi comunicate publicului cu scopul excitarii si satisfacerii sexuale a publicului.

Pornografie din limba greaca pornografos (πορνογράφος), adica a scrie despre prostituate (prostitutie). Etimologic pórnê (πόρνη) inseamna prostituata si  gráfô (γράφω) inseamna a picta, a grava, a scrie, a descrie.
Cuvantul grec pórnê (πόρνη) provine la randul sau dintr-un cuvant Indo-European cu intelesul a vinde, facand referire directa la faptul ca prostituatele pun in vanzare trupul lor.