IISUS HRISTOS A FOST VEGAN? Sfintii Apostoli au fost Vegani, Vegetarieni 100%? - WAS JESUS CHRIST A VEGAN? Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%? Imprimare
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Duminică, 01 Februarie 2015
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Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan? - Sfintii Apostoli au fost Vegani, Vegetarieni 100%?
Was Jesus Christ a Vegan? - Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%?

[ Din inima noastra pornesc patimile prin propria alegere a poftelor patimase:
"Caci dinauntru, din inima omului, ies cugetele cele rele, desfranarile, hotiile, uciderile,
Adulterul, lacomiile, vicleniile, inselaciunea, nerusinarea, ochiul pizmas, hula, trufia, usuratatea.
Toate aceste rele ies dinauntru si spurca pe om."
(Iisus Hristos - Marcu 7:21-23)
Vechiul Testament:

"Ca mila voiesc, iar nu jertfa, si cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu mai mult decat arderile de tot [jertfele animalelor si arderile lor de tot].
Ei, intocmai ca Adam, au calcat legamantul Meu, au cazut de la credinta.
(Osea 6:6,7)


Noul Testament - Evanghelia sau Buna Vestire a Domnului Iisus Hristos:

Sfantul Apostol Pavel

Epistola catre Romani a Sfantului Apostol Pavel

"Bine este sa nu mananci carne, nici sa bei vin [alcool sau orice bautura nesanatoasa], nici sa faci ceva de care fratele tau se poticneste, se sminteste sau slabeste (in credinta)." (Sfantul Apostol Pavel numit vasul ales, Gura lui Hristos, Apostolul neamurilor - Epistola catre Romani a Sfantului Apostol Pavel - Romani 14:21)

Epistola intaia catre Corinteni a Sfantului Apostol Pavel - 1 Corinteni

"Sau nu stiti ca trupul vostru este templu al Duhului Sfant care este in voi, pe care-L aveti de la Dumnezeu si ca voi nu sunteti ai vostri?
Caci ati fost cumparati cu pret! Slaviti, dar, pe Dumnezeu in trupul vostru si in duhul vostru, care sunt ale lui Dumnezeu." (Epistola intaia catre Corinteni a Sfantului Apostol Pavel - 1 Corinteni 6:19-20)


Sfanta Evanghelie dupa Matei

"Daca stiati ce inseamna: Mila voiesc iar nu jertfa, n-ati fi osandit pe cei nevinovati." (Domnul Dumnezeul, Creatorul si Mantuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos - Sfanta Evanghelie dupa Matei - Matei 12:7)
Extras din articolul:
- Ce spune Dumnezeu despre ALIMENTATIA DE ORIGINE ANIMALA (CARNE, LAPTE [derivate din lapte: branza, iaurt, cascaval, etc.], OAUA) si ALCOOL (VIN, etc.)? - Ce spune Dumnezeu despre UCIDEREA ANIMALELOR (JERTFELE ANIMALELOR pentru pacatele oamenilor, ETC.)?
(articolul il poti vedea integral la zona "Informatii utile" mai jos) ]

Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan? - Sfintii Apostoli au fost Vegani, Vegetarieni 100%?
Was Jesus Christ a Vegan? - Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%? - Youtube

Vegan - Veganul este o persoana vegetariana 100%. Veganul (prescurtare si de la VEGetariAN) este o persoana care este strict vegetariana (vegetariana 100%). Un vegetarian care este vegan nu foloseste nici un produs care sa fi provenit de la animale sau produse testate pe animale care sa aibe ingrediente din animale, de origine animala (produse din piele si blana - haine, pantofi, cizme, curele, genti, etc.; cosmetice sau produse farmaceutice care au fost testate pe animale, etc.).

Sunt mai multe "tipuri de vegetarieni" care nu sunt vegetarieni 100%: ovo-lacto-vegetarieni (pe langa alimentatia vegetariana mananca: oua, lactate si produse din lactate - derivate din lapte), ovo-vegetarieni (vegetarieni care mananca si oua), pesco-vegetarieni (vegetarieni care mananca si peste).

Persoana care a ales stilul de viata vegan a ales acest stil de viata din iubire pentru toti oamenii, toate animalele, toata natura, adica din Iubire pentru toata creatia lui Dumnezeu.

Cateva extrase din prezentarea video "Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan? - Was Jesus Christ a Vegan?":

In Gods initial and ideal world, represented in the book of Genesis by the Garden of Eden, there was no suffering, no exploitation, and no violence at all.

God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.
And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so.
God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1:29-31

The consumption of animal flesh was unknown up until the great flood. But since the great flood, we have had the fibers and the stinking fluids of animal flesh stuffed into our mouths...
Jesus, the Christ, who appeared when the time was fulfilled, again joined the end to the beginning, so that we are now no longer allowed to eat animal flesh.
Hieronymus (331-420)

I live on bread and olives, to which I only seldom add a vegetable.
Clementine Homilies XII, 6; rec. VII, 6
(Adversus Jovinanum 1:30)

Matthew lived on seed, the fruit of trees and vegetables without meat.
Clemens of Alexandria,
Paidagogos II, 1:16

John never ate meat.
Church historian Hegesipp according to Eusebius,
History of the Church II 2:3

Jacob, the brother of the Lord (Jesus Christ), lived on seeds and plants and touched neither meat nor wine.
Epistulae ad Faustum XXII, 3

In the earthly paradise, there was no wine, no one sacrificed animals and no one ate meat.

As long as one lives frugally the happiness of the house will increase; the animals will be safe; no blood will be shed, and no animal will be killed.
The cooks knife will be useless; the table will only be set with fruits which nature offers to us, and one will be satisfied with that.
From the epistles of Basilius the Great (329-379)

Jesus' message is about love and compassion, but there is nothing loving or compassionate at factory farms and slaughterhouses, where billions of animals endure miserable lives and die violent deaths.

If Jesus lived in our culture of violence, he would do everything he could to confront the structures of death and call for a new culture of peace and life.

Hosea: "I desire mercy and not sacrifice."

De stiut:

- Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul NU a mancat nici lacuste (a se vedea greseala de traducere din Biblie in inregistrarea video de mai sus in care se arata traducerea gresita de lacusta dar corect spus este ca a mancat niste fructe dulci acrisoare care se asemana numele lor cu numele de lacusta) si nici miere nu a mancat, ci a mancat radacinile unei plante salbatice din pustie pe nume Melagria:

"Melagria era o planta salbatica din pustie, ale carei radacini constituiau hrana principala in vremea retragerilor in pustie. Melagria pare a fi aceeasi cu meli agrion, hrana Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, tradus, pare-se, gresit cu miere (meli) salbatica (agrion) - nota 84, Vietile pustiniclor Palestinei de Chiril de Schitopolis."

Extrasul de mai sus cu planta vegetala Melagria a fost preluat de pe contul Facebook al parintelui Suciu Petru Marcel:
- Suciu Petru Marcel: https://www.facebook.com/petrumarcel
- Parintele Suciu Petru Marcel: https://www.facebook.com/suciupetrumarcel

Sfantul Prooroc Ioan Botezatorul (Ingerul in trup de om si varul lui Iisus Hristos, vestitorul Mantuitorului Iisus Hristos, lui Mesia) NU a mancat lacuste, asa cum confirma si IPS Teodosie Arhiepiscopul Tomisului - Ierarhul Tomisului - Arhiepiscopia Tomisului (Teodosie Petrescu, nascut Macedon Petrescu) la un post radio Ortodox si parintele Vasile Gavrila (la postul Trinitas TV, postul de televiziune al Patriarhiei Romane, in luna februarie sau martie 2013; moderatorul emisiunii de pe Trinitas TV parintele Cristian Galeriu – nepotul parintelui Constantin Galeriu – a zambit putin, deci a confirmat prin prin zambet si tacere acest adevar cum Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul NU a mancat lacuste, ci a mancat fructe dulci acrisoare [asemanatoare cu niste stafide rosiatice mai mari], deci in acest context este o greseala de traducere din scrierile timpurii ale Bibliei din Greaca si Ebraica).

In inregistrarea video de mai sus "Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan?....Was Jesus Christ a Vegan?..." o sa vededeti traducerile gresite din Biblie comparate cu traducerile timpurii ale Bibliei (din Greaca si Ebraica) si in ce priveste de ce Iisus nu a mancat carne si nici peste ci mancare simpla (vegetariana, vegana), iar la miracolul cu hranirea multimilor, multimile NU au fost hranite cu paine si peste ci au fost hranite cu paine si fructe (painea era facuta dintr-o alga marina a carei nume se asemana cu numele de peste, astfel s-a tradus gresit din textele timpurii ale Bibliei).

Oricare ar fi realitatea, cum noi nu am fost prezenti fizic acolo, Iisus Hristos (Mantuitorul) spune lumii, multimilor ca El a venit nu ca sa le dea mancare lumeasca (paine, vin, etc.) ci a venit sa le dea Painea Vesnica care Paine este El, adica Trupul si Sangele Lui sa-L manance (deci Sfanta Taina a Impartasaniei, painea si vinul care se transforma in chip nevazut, tainic, la Taina Impartasaniei in Trupul si Sangele Domnului, Mantuitorului), deci Hristos a venit sa-i pregateasca pe cei care doresc sa-L urmeze, adica pe crestini (ucenicii, urmasii lui Hristos, Christos), prin fapte de credinta (prin respectarea practica a celor 10 porunci, decalogul si ce spune Dumnezeu in Biblie ca sa ne putem mantui) sa fie mantuiti, astfel ca omul sa traiasca Vesnic dupa Judecata de Apoi in Imparatia lui Dumnezeu unde se traieste cum traiesc Ingerii: fara mancare lumeasca, fara petreceri, bautura, cafea, tigari, etc. fara vorbe lumesti, fara casatorii, fara relatii conjugale, sexuale sau alte contexte lumesti trecatoare si mai ales fara cele neduhovnicesti toate acestea si altele fara de valoare pentru Dumnezeu... cum spunea inteleptul Solomon la un moment dat ca toate cele lumesti sunt: desertaciunea desertaciunilor).


Iisus Hristos a fost Vegetarian ~ Necesita sa fie vazut!

Jesus was a Vegetarian ~ MUST SEE!

Iisus Hristos a fost Vegetarian ~ Necesita sa fie vazut!

Jesus was a Vegetarian ~ MUST SEE! - Youtube

Mai multe detalii la:
- JesusVeg.com

Sfintii Apostoli au fost vegetarieni!

Putinele informatii pastrate despre Apostoli in aceasta privinta [a fi vegetarieni, postitori priviind alimentatia trupeasca numai cu plante alimentare] arata ca:

  • Iacob, fratele Domnului [Iisus Hristos], dupa marturia lui Eusebiu de Cezareea (+340): "[...] n-a baut nici vin, nici alta bautura betiva, [...] nici n-a gustat carne toata viata lui" - Eusebiu de Cezareea, Istoria bisericeasca, XXIII, 4-5, in PSB, 13, traducere de pr. prof. Teodor Bodogae, EIBMBOR, Bucuresti, 1987, p. 92.;
  • "Apostolul Matei - dupa Clement Alexandrinul - manca seminte, fructe si legume, fara carne" - Clement Alexandrinul, Pedagogul, II, 1,16, in PSB, 4, trad. de pr. Dumitru Fecioru, EIBMBOR, Bucuresti, 1982, p. 238;
  • "Sfantul Apostol Petru - dupa Sfantul Grigorie Palama (+1359) - manca doar masline in saramura, zarzavaturi si legume" - Sfantul Grigorie Palama, Omilii, 1, traducere de dr. Constantin Daniel, Editura Anastasia, 2000, p. 121;
  • Sfantul "Apostol Pavel, ca sa nu sminteasca pe crestini - ne spune Sfantul Nicodim Aghioritul (+ 1809) - a hotarat sa nu manance carne in toata viata lui" - Sfantul Nicodim Aghioritul, Hristoitia, Ed. Egumenita, f.a., p. 419.

[ PSB = Colectia Parinti si Scriitori Bisericesti de la Patriarhia Romana

EIBMBOR = Editura Institutului Biblic si de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane ]

Textele antice, care nu au fost incluse in canoanele Bibliei, spun urmatoarele despre Sfintii Apostoli:

"Traiesc cu paine si masline, pe care eu doar rareori adaug o leguma." Clementine Omilii XII, 6; rec. VII, 6

"Iisus m-a instruit sa nu consum carne si sa beau nici vin, ci numai paine, apa si fructe, asa incat sa fiu gasit curat atunci cand vrea sa vorbeasca cu mine." Toledoth Jeschu, Editia Krauss,  Berlin 1902, p. 113, Paul

"Matei a trait cu seminte, fructe din copaci si legume, fara carne." Clemens von Alexandria, Paidagogos II, 1:16

"Ioan niciodata nu a mancat carne" Istoric al Bisericii, Hegesipp conform lui Eusebiu, Istoria Bisericii II 2:3

"Iacov, fratele Domnului, a trait cu seminte si plante si nu s-a atins nici de carne, nici de vin." Epistulae ad Faustum XXII, 3


Extras din articolul:
- Ce spune Dumnezeu despre ALIMENTATIA DE ORIGINE ANIMALA (CARNE, LAPTE [derivate din lapte: branza, iaurt, cascaval, etc.], OAUA) si ALCOOL (VIN, etc.)? - Ce spune Dumnezeu despre UCIDEREA ANIMALELOR (JERTFELE ANIMALELOR pentru pacatele oamenilor, ETC.)?
(articolul il poti vedea integral la zona "Informatii utile" mai jos)



Citate de la Vegetarieni Celebri - Einstein, Ghandi, Lincoln, MLK, Darwin (Personalitati istorice destepte)

Famous Vegetarians Quotes - Einstein, Ghandi, Lincoln, MLK, Darwin (Smart Historic Figures)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Ghandi

"Life is as dear to a mute creatures as it is to man." - The Dalai Lama

"I know in my soul that to eat a creature who is rised to be eaten, and who never has a chance to be a real being, is unhealthy...You're just eating misery." - Alice Walker

"Animals are my friends...and I don't eate my friends." - George Bernard Shaw

"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being." - Abraham Lincoln

"When I was old enough to realize that all meat was willed. I saw it as an irrational power, to take a weker thing and mutilate it. It was like bullies whould take control of younger kids in the school yard." - River Phoenix

"How can you eat anything with eyes?" - Will Kellogg

"Think occasionally of the suffering of wich you spare yourself the sight." - Dr. Albert Schweizer

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." - Leo Tolstoy

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they look on the murder of men." - Leonardo da Vinci

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein

"I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off, eating animals." - Henry David Thoreau

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man." - Charles Darwin

"Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat, you any more." - Franz Kafka

"The more red meat and blood we eat, the more bloodthirsty we get, the more violent we get. The more vegetarian food that we eat, the more peace is taken into us." - Ziggy Marley

"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouses and things: they are only animals." - Theodor Adorno

"Flesh eating is unprovoked murder" - Ben Fraklin

"What is it that should trace the insuperable line?...The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but Can they suffer?" - Jeremy Bentham

"For as long men massacre animals they will kill each other." - Pythagoras

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, wich is the goal of all evolution."

"Untill we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." - Thomas Edison

"The fate of animals is of greater importance to men that the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of man." - Emile Zola

"Basically we should stop doing those things that are destructive to the enviroment, other crestures, and aourselves and figure out new ways of existing." - Moby

Vegetarieni Faimosi Filozofi si Oameni Religiosi

Famous Vegetarian Philosopers and Religious People

Vegetarieni Faimosi Filozofi si Oameni Religiosi

Famous Vegetarian Philosopers and Religious People - Youtube

Cateva extrase din inregistrarea video de mai sus:

"The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral signifiance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality." - Arthur Schopenhauer - Philosopher (A fost un filozof german, cunoscut - mai ales - prin teoria sa asupra primatului "vointei"  in sfera reprezentarii lumii si in comportamentul uman.)

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. We have seen that the seses and intuitions, the various emotions and faculties, such as love, memoru, attention and curiosity, imitation, reason, etc...of which man boasts, may be found in an incipient and even some times a well-developed condition, in the lower animals." - Charles Darwin (Fondatorul teoriei referitoare la evolutia speciilor de plante si animale - teoria evolutionista. A facut teologia, era Creationist in prima parte a vietii. In ultima parte a vietii i-a parut rau ca a inventat teoria evolutionista care nu are suport stiintific, astfel s-a intors la Creationism, la crestinism.)

"A vegetarian is a person who won't eat anithing that have children." - Confucius (Sau Kong Fu Zi, a fost un filozof chinez care a influentat decisiv gandirea asiatica.)

"Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet. Not an ounce of flesh meat should enter our stomachs. The eating of flesh is unnatural. We are to return to God's original purpose in the creation of man. The moral evils of a flesh diet are not less marked than are the physical ills. Flesh food is injurious to health, and whatever affects the body has a corresponding effect on the mind and the soul...
Think of the cruelty to animals meat-eating involves, and its effect on those whoinflict and those who behold it. How it destroys the tenderness with which we should regard those creatures of God!" - Ellen G. White (a fost o autoare prolifica crestina si unul dintre pionierii americani a carui slujire a fost cu un rol esential in miscarea sabatista adventista de ziua a saptea care a dus la aparitia Bisericii de Ziua a Saptea Adventiste)

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." - Immanuel Kant (Filozof german, unul din cei mai mari ganditori din perioada iluminismului in Germania. Kant este socotit unul din cei mai mari filozofi din istoria culturii apusene. Prin fundamentarea idealismului critic, a exercitat o enorma influenta asupra dezvoltarii filozofiei in timpurile moderne. In special Fichte, Schelling si Hegel si-au dezvoltat sistemele filozofice pornind de la mostenirea lui Kant. Cei mai multi scriitori si artisti din vremea lui au fost influentati de ideile sale in domeniul esteticii, operele lui Goethe, Schiller sau Kleist neputand fi intelese fara referinta la conceptiile filozofice ale lui Kant.)

"The indifference of children towards meat is one proof that the taste for meat is unnatural; their preference is for vegetable foods, such as milk, pastry, fruit, etc.
Beware of changing this natural taste and making children flesh-eaters, if not for their health's sake, for the sake of their character...for however one tries to explain the practice, it is certain that great meat-eaters are ussualy more cruel and ferocious that other men. This has been recognised at all times and in all places.
The English are noted for their cruelty while the Gaures are the gentlest of men...all savages are cruel, and it is not their customs that tend in this direction; their cruelty is the result of their food. Thry go to war as to the chase, and treat men as they would treat bears." - Jean Jacques Rousseau (A fost un filozof francez de origine geneveza, scriitor si compozitor, unul dintre cei mai ilustri ganditori ai Iluminismului. A influentat hotarator, alaturi de Voltaire si Diderot, spiritul revoluționar, principiile de drept si constiinta sociala a epocii; ideile lui se regasesc masiv in schimbarile promovate de Revolutia franceza din 1789.)

"As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace.
For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." - Pythagoras (A fost un filozof si matematician grec, originar din insula Samos, intemeietorul pitagorismului, care punea la baza intregii realitati teoria numerelor si a armoniei. (...) Traditia ii atribuie descoperirea teoremei geometrice si a tablei de inmultire, care ii poarta numele. Ideile si descoperirile lui nu pot fi deosebite cu certitudine de cele ale discipolilor apropiati.)

"Thou Shalt Not Kill, for life is given to all by God, and that wich God has given, let not man take away...For I tell you truly, from one mother proceeds all that lives upon the earth.

Theerefore, he who kills, kills his brother...and from him will the earthly mother turn away, and will plunck from him her quickening breasts; and he will be ahunned by her angels and satan will have his dweling in his body...and the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his own tomb...

For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and who so eat the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death...For in his blood every drop of their blood turns to poison; in his breath their breath to stink; in his flesh their flesh to boils; in his bones their bones to chalk...in his bowels their bowels to decay; in his eyes their eyes to scales; in his ears their ears to waxy issue.

And their death will became his death" - Jesus Christ (Iisus Hristos)

The person who chose the vegan lifestyle chose this lifestyle of love for all people, all animals and all of nature.

Persoana care a ales stilul de viata vegan a ales acest stil de viata din iubire pentru toti oamenii, toate animalele si toata natura.

CARNISM: Psihologia de a manca carne, consumului de carne - Consumul de carne este normal, natural, necesar? - Melanie Joy
CARNISM: The Psychology of Eating Meat - Meat consumption is normal, natural, necessary? - Melanie Joy

Melanie Joy prezinta "Carnism: Psihologia de a manca carne" la Studiul Avansat de Weekend McDougall, februarie 2012.

Melanie Joy presents "Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat" at the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend, February 2012.

"Daca noi credem in absurditati, vom comite atrocitati." - Voltaire

"Atata timp cat exista abatoare, vor exista campuri de lupta" - Lev Tolstoi

"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." - Voltaire

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields" - Leo Tolstoy

Presedintele PETA Vorbeste in Numele Animalelor - Ingrid Newkirk

PETA President Speaks Up for Animals - Ingrid Newkirk

Prin discursul sau, la o conferinta pentru drepturile animalelor, presedintele PETA, Ingrid Newkirk a inspirat oamenii plini de compasiune de pretutindeni sa vorbeasca pentru ceea ce ei cred in si sa devina mai activi in fiecare zi in moduri simple.

Through her keynote speech at an animal rights conference, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has inspired compassionate people everywhere to speak up for what they believe in and become more active every day in simple ways.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The animal rights organization
Oameni pentru Tratamentul Etic al Animalelor - Organizatia pentru drepturile animalelor

- MilkSucks.com


Informatii utile:

- EARTHLINGS, PAMANTENII un film documentar DESPRE CRUZIMEA OAMENILOR FATA DE ANIMALE, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale pentru: companie, mancare, imbracaminte, sport si divertisment sau pentru cercetare stiintifica si medicala-95 min

- Onorand Creatia lui Dumnezeu - CRESTINISM SI VEGETARIANISM - Honoring God's Creation - CHRISTIANITY AND VEGETARIANISM


Asociatia crestinilor vegetarieni (Christian Vegetarian Association) este o comunitate crestina internationala si interconfesionala care este convinsa ca o dieta vegetariana este benefica sanatatii oamenilor, mediului inconjurator, celor saraci si infometati precum si animalelor.
Credem ca Duhul Sfant ne inspira sa traim in conformitate cu cele mai adanci valori bazate pe credinta - "chemarea" noastra.

Credem ca tuturor crestinilor le pasa, uneori profund, de foametea mondiala, binele celorlalti, mediul inconjurator, si animale. Deoarece o dieta bazata pe plante ne ajuta sa ne adresam acestor probleme, o vedem ca o oportunitate sa onoram pe Dumnezeu.


- Ce spune Dumnezeu despre ALIMENTATIA DE ORIGINE ANIMALA (CARNE, LAPTE [derivate din lapte: branza, iaurt, cascaval, etc.], OAUA) si ALCOOL (VIN, etc.)? - Ce spune Dumnezeu despre UCIDEREA ANIMALELOR (JERTFELE ANIMALELOR pentru pacatele oamenilor, ETC.)?

SA TRAIM SANATOS FARA TOXINE. GHID FUNDAMENTAL. ALIMENTE SI PLANTE NATURALE PENTRU REGENERAREA CELULARA COMPLETA - Dr. Robert Morse - Editura Paralela 45 -2005 (prima ed) The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Food and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration (carte - descarcare GRATUITA - PDF)