PAMANTENII, EARTHLINGS un film documentar DESPRE CRUZIMEA OAMENILOR FATA DE ANIMALE, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale pentru: companie, mancare, imbracaminte, sport si divertisment sau pentru cercetare stiintifica si medicala-95 min Imprimare
Sanatate si Viata - Stiati ca...
Scris de Administrator   
Marţi, 14 Decembrie 2010
Vizualizări: 9038

Pamantenii (Earthlings in engleza) - Un film documentar despre care e bine sa stii.

PAMANTENII (EARTHLINGS) un film documentar DESPRE CRUZIMEA OAMENILOR FATA DE ANIMALE, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale pentru: companie, mancare, imbracaminte, sport si divertisment sau pentru cercetare stiintifica si medicala - 95 minute - PAMANTENII - NATURA ANIMALE OAMENII... FACETI CONEXIUNEA - EARTHLINGS - NATURE ANIMALS HUMANKIND... MAKE THE CONNECTION - afisEarthlings, in traducere Pamantenii, este un documentar de lung metraj despre cruzimea oamenilor fata de animale, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale (pentru companie, mancare, imbracaminte, sport si divertisment, sau pentru cercetare stiintifica si medicala), dar ilustreaza in acelasi timp totala nostra lipsa de respect pentru asa zisii "furnizori ne-umani".

PAMANTENII (EARTHLINGS) un film documentar DESPRE CRUZIMEA OAMENILOR FATA DE ANIMALE, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale pentru: companie, mancare, imbracaminte, sport si divertisment sau pentru cercetare stiintifica si medicala - 95 minute - PAMANTENII - NATURA ANIMALE OAMENII... FACETI CONEXIUNEA - EARTHLINGS - NATURE ANIMALS HUMANKIND... MAKE THE CONNECTION - afis 1Filmul este povestit de catre Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATORUL), nominalizat la premiile Oscar, iar coloana sonora este asigurata de catre Moby, artistul castigator al discului de platina.

Studiind in profunzime pet shopurile, crescatoriile de pui si adaposturile de animale, precum si fermele – uzine, afacerile cu piele si blana, industriile sportului si distractiei, si in final profesiile medicale si stiintifice, EARTHLINGS foloseste camere ascunse si filmari care nu au fost niciodata aratate pana acum pentru a realiza cronicile de zi cu zi ale unora dintre cele mai mari industrii din lume, care se bazeaza in intregime pe animale pentru a obtine profit.

PAMANTENII (EARTHLINGS) un film documentar DESPRE CRUZIMEA OAMENILOR FATA DE ANIMALE, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale pentru: companie, mancare, imbracaminte, sport si divertisment sau pentru cercetare stiintifica si medicala - 95 minute - PAMANTENII - NATURA ANIMALE OAMENII... FACETI CONEXIUNEA - EARTHLINGS - NATURE ANIMALS HUMANKIND... MAKE THE CONNECTION - afis 2Pamantenii - "Earthlings", este un documentar epic care aduce la lumina atrocitatile hidoase comise de catre o societate speciisista.

Puternic, provocator si dand nastere la intebari, EARTHLINGS este de departe cel mai cuprinzator documentar produs vreodata despre corelatia dintre natura, animale, si interesele economice umane.

"We must not refuse with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies" -
"Noi nu trebuie sa refuzam cu ochii nostri ceea ce trebuie sa indure cu trupurile lor" spunea Gretchen Wyler (fondatorul premiilor "Genesis awards" impreuna cu Humane Society)

Exista multe filme bune despre drepturile animalelor, dar acesta transcede scenariul. EARTHLINGS - "Pamantenii" necesita sa fie vazut.

Vedeti filmul documentar Earthlings - "Pamantenii" mai jos, durata filmului este de 95 minute (filmul este subtitrat in romana).

Aveti in plus, pe langa film si interviuri cu Shaun Monson directorul, regizorul filmului documentar Earthlings - "Pamantenii", film care a fost realizat pe parcursul a 5 ani (film care face parte dintr-o trilogie de filme: primul este Earthlings aparut in 2005, al 2-lea este Unity in 2012, al 3-lea este un film senzational despre natura, nemaifacut, nemaivazut pana acum... 

Pamantenii - Earthlings

Atentie! Filmul contine, afiseaza si imagini dure din aceasta cauza nu este recomandat sub 12 ani.

Pamantenii - Earthlings - Subtitrare romana

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Pamantenii - Earthlings

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Pamantenii - Earthlings - Video de pe Youtube - Subtitrare romana

Pamantenii - Earthlings - Video de pe Youtube - Subtitrare romana (acelasi film de pe alt canal youtube)

Filmul documentar Pamantenii - Earthlings de mai sus are o rezolutie, o calitate a imaginii mai mica deoarece este o versiune gratuita (free) cine doreste o versiune cu o calitate mai buna a imaginii poate cumpara DVD-ul cu filmul documentar Earthlings - Pamantenii de la - Astfel se ajuta la promovarea si altor filme educative, de constientizare a oamenilor (despre natura, animale, omenire) la care lucreaza Shaun Monson: Unity, si un film despre natura senzational, nemaivazut pana acum.

A film for Animals, 2005.  The definitive animal rights film narrated by three-time Academy Award Nominee JOAQUIN PHOENIX and featuring music by MOBY.

EARTHLINGS is a 2005 American documentary film about humankind's total dependence on animals for economic purposes. Presented in five chapters (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research) the film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby, and was written, produced and directed by Shaun Monson.

Documentare celebre (subtitrare in limba romana) despre CRUZIMEA unor oameni FATA DE ANIMALE: "FOOD INC", "EARTHLINGS", "MEET YOUR MEAT" si altele

Earthlings, in traducere Pamantenii
, este un documentar de lung metraj despre cruzimea oamenilor fata de animale, despre dependenta absoluta a umanitatii fata de animale (pentru companie, mancare, … all » imbracaminte, si cercetare stiintifica) dar ilustreaza in acelasi timp totala nostra lipsa de respect pentru asa zisii "furnizori ne-umani". Filmul este povestit de catre Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATORUL), nominalizat la premiile Oscar, iar coloana sonora este asigurata de catre Moby, artistul castigator al discului de platina.

Studiind in profunzime pet shopurile, crescatoriile de pui si adaposturile de animale, precum si fermele – uzine, afacerile cu piele si blana, industriile sportului si distractiei, si in final profesiile medicale si stiintifice, EARTHLINGS foloseste camere ascunse si filmari care nu au fost niciodata aratate pana acum pentru a realiza cronicile de zi cu zi ale unora dintre cele mai mari industrii din lume, care se bazeaza in intregime pe animale pentru a obtine profit. Puternic, provocator si dand nastere la intebari, EARTHLINGS este de departe cel mai cuprinzator documentar produs vreodata despre corelatia dintre natura, animale, si interesele economice umane. Exista multe filme bune despre drepturile animalelor, dar acesta transcede scenariul. EARTHLINGS necesita sa fie vazut.

"Daca noi credem in absurditati, vom comite atrocitati." (Voltaire)

"Atata timp cat exista abatoare (case de ucidere a animalelor, macelarii), vor exista razboaie (campuri de lupta)." (Lev Tolstoi)

"Daca abatoarele ar avea pereti de sticla toti am deveni vegetarieni (vegani)." (Paul McCartney)

"Apoi a zis Dumnezeu: << Iata, va dau toata iarba ce face samanta de pe toata fata pamantului si tot pomul ce are rod cu samanta in el. Acestea vor fi hrana voastra. >>" (Domnul Dumnezeul, Creatorul si Mantuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos - Dumnezeul cel Adevarat, Dumnezeul cel Viu  - Facerea sau Geneza 1:29)

"Sa nu ucizi!" (Iesirea - a doua carte a lui Moise - Iesirea sau Exodul 20:13; Porunca a 6-a data de Dumnezeu din cele 10 porunci, din Decalog)

"Bine este sa nu mananci carne, nici sa bei vin [alcool sau orice bautura nesanatoasa], nici sa faci ceva de care fratele tau se poticneste, se sminteste sau slabeste (in credinta)." (Sfantul Apostol Pavel, numit vasul ales, Gura lui Hristos, Apostolul neamurilor - Epistola catre Romani a Sfantului Apostol Pavel - Romani 14:21)

"Feriti-va de a masura postul cu o simpla infranare in ale mancarii.
Cei ce se infraneaza de la mancare, dar au purtari rele, se aseamana diavolului care, desi nu mananca nimic, nu inceteaza sa pacatuiasca." (Sfantul Vasile cel Mare)

Earthlings - Full documentary film
Pamantenii - Film documentar intreg

The definitive animal rights film narrated by Academy Award Nominee Joaquin Phoenix.

Filmul documentar Earthlings - "Pamantenii" 2005 (durata de realizare a filmului a fost de 5 ani).

Directed by Shaun Monson
Produced by Babak Cyrus Razi
Maggie Q
Nicole Visram
Brett Harrelson
Persia White
Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix
Music by Moby
Distributed by Nation Earth
Release date(s) 2005

Mai multe detalii la:

Sursa filmului documentar Earthlings - Pamantenii:

- Filmul se poate gasi in versiunea originala de unde poate fi cumparat pe DVD, la o calitate a imaginii mult mai buna, de la:

Mai jos aveti si cele 2 parti sterse, scoase din filmul Pamantenii.

Atentie scenele sterse contin imagini dure din aceasta cauza nu sunt recomandate sub 12 ani.

Pamantenii - Scene sterse

Earthlings - Deleted Scenes

- printre alte secvente sterse, scoase din Earthlings au fost scoase si cele cu testarea cosmeticelor pe animale (cum se vede in prima parte inregistrarea video cu scenele sterse)

Glass Walls - Pereti de Sticla

Music legend and activist Paul McCartney delivers a powerful narration of this must-see video.
Watch now to discover why everyone would be vegetarian if slaughterhouses had glass walls.

Vezi acum prezentarea video (de mai sus) prezentata de catre legenda in muzica si activistul Paul McCartney si afla de ce toti am deveni vegetarieni (vegani) daca abatoarele ar avea pereti de sticla. or - The Website the Meat Industry Doesn't Want You to See- Must See Factory Farm Videos! - Ce nu doreste industria carnii ca tu sa vezi, sa stii! E bine sa vezi inregistrarile video din fermele fabrici, fermele abatoare!

DOMINION - Australia's answer to "Earthlings" (2018): Official Trailer - Australian documentary - Premiered 29 March 2018 in Melbourne
DOMINION - Raspunsul Australiei la "Pamantenii" (2018) - Documentar australian - Premiera 29 martie 2018 in Melbourne

Vimeo version:

Published on Aug 26, 2017
Dominion is the feature-length documentary sequel to 2014's Lucent.
While Lucent focused mostly on the Australian pig farming industry, Dominion will have a much broader scope as a comprehensive account of the numerous ways animals are used and abused in Australia.
Through covertly obtained footage, the film will question the morality and validity of our dominion over the animal kingdom, and aims to serve as Australia's answer to "Earthlings".

DOMINION is a new Australian documentary.
Exposing the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture through drones, hidden & handheld cameras, the feature-length film explores the morality and validity of our dominion over the animal kingdom.

Premiered 29 March 2018 in Melbourne.

The Dominion Movement is a call to action for anyone who believes in the film’s message of a more ethical world.
If you would like to support us financially, you can do so by joining the Dominion Movement Action Team (DMAT).

This will support us in continuing our work to expose the truth about animal exploitation to the world.
Join DMAT here:



COWSPIRACY - The Sustainability Secret - The film that environmental organizations don't want you to see - (ENG - sub ITA) - Full documentary - 2014

COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret ( is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following an intrepid filmmaker as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today, and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.

This documentary will be as eye-opening as Blackfish and as inspiring as An Inconvenient Truth. It follows the story of Kip, a passionate environmentalist and filmmaker, who is discovering the biggest secret that even the most powerful environmental organizations are too scared to talk about.

This film is still in the making and we hope to be able to release it, before we get shut down. Please join our email list and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay informed on what will happen next.

Stay tuned,
The Cowspiracy Team

COWSPIRACY - The Sustainability Secret - CowSpiracy - Official Trailer - HD

Published on Jun 6, 2014

- COWSPIRACY: the sustainability secret - Youtube channel

- CowSpiracy: The Sustainability Secret on facebook -

- COWSPIRACY - The Sustainability Secret (The film that environmental organizations don't want you to see) web site:

COWSPIRACY - The Sustainability Secret in about 15 minutes (Short Version)

Cel mai important discurs pe care il vei auzi vreodata – Gary Yourofsky (2010) - Despre drepturile animalelor, activismul pentru eliberarea animalelor si veganism - Youtube - Subtitrat in romana

Discursul inspirational al lui Gary Yourofsky despre drepturile animalelor si veganism tinut in vara lui 2010 la universitatea Georgia Tech. Un vorbitor excelent, Gary spulbera mituri, iti umple mintea cu date interesante si te ajuta sa faci alegeri etice pentru o inima si o constiinta sanatoasa.
Stilul lui carismatic si direct este unic - filmuletul ar trebui sa fie vizionat de toti cei carora le pasa de animalele non-umane sau care vor sa transforme lumea intr-un loc mai bun.

"De ce alegem sa fim tortura lor [fata de animale] in locul protejarii lor?" (Gary Yourofsky, activist vegan pentru eliberarea animalelor, activist pentru drepturile animalelor)

Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky– Gary Yourofsky (2010) - About animal rights, vegan animal liberation activism - Youtube

Gary Yourofsky's entire inspirational speech on animal rights and veganism held at Georgia Tech in summer of 2010. Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul.
His charismatic and straightforward style is one of a kind - a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.

- Gary Yourofsky Youtube channel:

"Why do we choose to be their tormentors [to animals] instead of their protectors?" (Gary Yourofsky, vegan animal liberation activist, animal rights activist)

"De ce alegem sa fim tortura lor [fata de animale] in locul protejarii lor?" (Gary Yourofsky, activist vegan pentru eliberarea animalelor, activist pentru drepturile animalelor)

This is the official YouTube channel of vegan animal liberation activist, Gary Yourofsky. Gary has given 2,660 lectures to more than 60,000 people at 186 schools in 30 states and several Israeli cities/schools, including the U. of Alabama, U. of Florida and Georgia Tech.
His main lecture (2010 at Georgia Tech) has been translated into more than 30 languages for over 10 million YouTube hits.

Activists in Israel created the Hebrew website and convinced two major vegan companies to put that site's URL directly on their packages! Yourofsky's inspirational actions have been covered by every newspaper, radio outlet, and TV station in his native Detroit, and throughout Israel.

Gary has now taken up digital activism by joining all the major social media platforms and launching his own YouTube channel. Please subscribe to support the message and stay tuned for upcoming content!

ADAPTT - Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow.
ADAPTT founder Gary Yourofsky has given speeches to tens of thousands of college and high-school students around the country [America, USA], enjoining them to embrace compassion for animals and adopt an ethical vegan lifestyle.

- ADAPTT - Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow:

About Gary Yourofsky on Wikipedia / Despre Gary Yourofsky pe Wikipedia:

Gary Yourofsky - The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky's Speeches - Youtube playlist
Gary Yourosky - Cel mai Important Discurs pe care il Vei Auzi Vreodata -Discursurile lui Gary Yourofsky - playlist Youtube

An inspirational life-changing speech by Gary Yourofsky, an animal liberation activist, national lecturer on animal rights and veganism, and founder of ADAPTT, a non-profit organization based in the US:

The speech was held at Georgia Tech university in July 8 2010.

Q&A Session:

Learn more at:

Gary Yourofsky is a vegan activist who has given 2,660 lectures to more than 60,000 people at 186 schools in 30 states and several Israeli cities/schools. His lecture has been translated into more than 30 languages for over 10 million YouTube hits.


Simple Truths - 2006 Gary Yourofsky Lecture - Ethical Lecture
Adevaruri Simple - Conferinta, prelegerea lui Gary Yourofsky din 2006 - Curs de Etica

37 minutes of a rarely-seen 2006 lecture at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts. 80 students attended although 50 had to leave for another class when the Q&A session began. I discuss veganism, fur and vivisection, along with the Rwandan Genocide (when I used to care about human rights issues).

The saddest slaughterhouse video I ever used - set to Jo Dee Messina’s song “Even God Gets The Blues” - is in this clip, as well. If you’re already vegan, and can’t stand the graphic images anymore, just fast forward from the 3:30-7:30 mark so you can hear everything else.
If you dig my other speeches, you will LOVE the information I present in this clip.

AND NOBODY GETS KILLED - A Lecture by Gary Yourofsky & Kate Timko

In 2005 I came up with the idea of conducting a speech WITH a woman, thinking that a female’s voice would win over anyone who thought I was too harsh. So I teamed up with my good friend Kate Timko, and wrote a speech titled "AND NOBODY GETS KILLED".

The first time we performed the speech around 10 women approached Kate and said, “He was a little too rough for us. But we loved the way you sounded!” When the class dispersed, Kate told me that she was laughing hysterically INSIDE thinking, "I’m just reciting HIS words. Gary wrote the entire lecture because he KNEW you would react this way!" So here’s 40 minutes of our rarely-seen 2005 lecture.

If you’re already vegan, and can’t stand the graphic images anymore, fast forward over the slaughterhouse video from the 9-13 minute mark so you can still hear the speech. Unfortunately, I could not raise enough funds to pay Kate a salary, so this version of the speech only lasted a year.


Gary Yourofsky vs. Animal Abuser Reporter - Gary Yourofsky's Interviews - Youtube playlist

One of my most popular news interviews ever. It was recorded in Israel in 2013.

I answer many of the typical, trite, stupid, ridiculous questions that vegans constantly receive. It’s a good resource for people who are actively confronting non vegans.

Gary Yourofsky is a vegan activist who has given 2,660 lectures to more than 60,000 people at 186 schools in 30 states and several Israeli cities/schools. His lecture has been translated into more than 30 languages for over 10 million YouTube hits.

The Speech That Started It All: Gary Yourofsky - The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear -

Gary Yourofsky -Brilliant Interview in Prime Time (HD)

Published on Jan 17, 2014

A fascinating interview: renowned Israeli interviewer, Kobi Meidan, talks with Gary Yourofsky following the storm and waves his riveting speech created in Israel.
Get the full story:

"Hotze Israel" (Crossing Israel, in loose translation) with Kobi Meidan is the most prestigious interview show in Israel and it's being aired both on the Israeli Educational Television which produces the show (‎) and Ch. 2, Israel's most popular TV channel.

The interview took place during Yourofsky's second visit to Israel and was aired on Ch. 2 in December 28th, 2013. It received great exposure.

Get the full story:

- Gary Yourofsky web site made by israeli animal rights activists Gary-TV:

- Facebook account:

See also animals liberation activits, animal rights activism web site Kider World:

Through the Eyes of an Animal | A Lecture by Gary Yourofsky
Prin Ochii unui Animal | Conferinta de Gary Yourofsky

18 minutes of NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN footage from a 2007 lecture at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.

If you dig my other speeches, you will LOVE the information I present in this segment.

Gary Yourofsky - The Excuses Speech, 2014
Scuzele Discursul lui Gary Yourofsky, 2014

A life-changing speech by Gary Yourofsky, an animal liberation activist, national lecturer and founder of ADAPTT, a non-profit organization based in the US:

The speech was held at Oakland Community College in Royal Oak, Michigan on November 18, 2014.

"But plants have feelings too..." / "But plants feel pain too..."
"Animals eat each other, so why shouldn’t we eat animals?"
"But where do you get your protein?"
"God intended for us to eat animals."
"I only eat animals that were humanely raised and killed."

DAIRY IS SCARY! The dairy industry explained in 5 minutes - DAIRY INDUSTRY EXPOSED in 5 minutes
- Kinder World - Youtube playlist
LAPTELE ESTE INFRICOSATOR! Industria laptelui explicata in 5 minute - INDUSTRIA LAPTELUI DEMASCATA in 5 minute

Dairy is scary. Please share this video with anyone and everyone who still thinks dairy is just fine!

Erin Janus explains how the dairy industry works in 5 blistering minutes.

This video took Facebook by storm before it got censored for exposing the ugly truth.

Dairy Industry is in the end Meat Industry!

Industria Laptelui este in final Industria Carnii!

To help more animals escape a fate of misery, try being vegan for 22 days. We recommend joining Challenge22+, a friendly support group on Facebook.

About Erin Janus

Erin Janus is a vegan activist and the creator of several highly successful videos about animal rights and veganism.

Her witty and precise videos are backed with extensive research and profound knowledge.

Erin's video "DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes" has been viewed more than 4.5 million times on YouTube, in addition to countless of additional views on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Official website:

Social media: Erin Janus on Youtube / Erin Janus on Facebook

See also animals liberation activits, animal rights activism web site Kider World:

The Egg Industry Explained by Erin Janus: The Truth about Eating Eggs
Industria Oualelor Explicata de Erin Janus: Adevarul despre Mancatul Oualelor

Erin Janus has researched the egg industry thoroughly and what she found will shock the average egg consumer.

The clean image behind eggs cannot be further from the truth. In a clear and articulated manner, Erin explains to us what this industry is hiding. From genetic manipulation to untruthful advertisement, these are things everyone needs to know.

After watching this video from Erin Janus, you will understand several of the reasons that lead so many people nowadays to stop eating eggs.

Eggs Industry is in the end Meat Industry!

Industria Oualelor este in final Industria Carnii!

See also animals liberation activits, animal rights activism web site Kider World:

Omega-3s (Fatty Acids) On A Vegan Diet And The Truth About Fish Oil
Omega-3 (Acizii Grasi) din Alimentatia (Dieta) Vegana si Adevarul despre Uleiul din Peste

Published on Nov 4, 2015
May not be the most exciting video ever, but it had to be made.

Now you know that yes, all the essential omega-3s are accessible on a vegan diet, and via what foods.
And NO, you do not need to eat fish or fish oil to get your essential omegas in the form of DHA and EPA. You can eat what the fish eat!

And take supplements that come from what the fish eat, instead of the organs of the fish!

Fish Industry is in the end Meat Industry!

Industria Pestelui este in final Industria Carnii!

See also animals liberation activits, animal rights activism web site Kider World:

The Dark Side of Dairy - DAIRY INDUSTRY EXPOSED - 2015 Exposė
Partea Intunecata, Nestiuta a Laptelui - INDUSTRIA LAPTELUI DEMASCATA - 2015

Published on Dec 8, 2016
Few people know what happens to cows and their calves in the dairy industry. Even fewer people have seen it for themselves.

For the sake of milk and other dairy products, every year the New Zealand dairy industry treats millions of 4-day-old calves as ‘waste products’, tearing them away from their mothers and sending them to the slaughterhouse. Even when no laws are broken, these calves never even have a chance at life.

While the illegal cruelty perpetrated by some farmers, transport and slaughterhouse workers, could be prevented by more enforcement of our laws by the Ministry for Primary Industries, the inherent cruelty will remain.

If you want to avoid contributing to the suffering of cows and their calves, can cut down or stop consuming dairy products.

Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality
Brutalitatea de la Ferma de Lapte din Ohio

Published on May 25, 2010

Hidden camera video secretly shot by an investigator with Mercy For Animals at an Ohio dairy farm reveals shocking, malicious cruelty to calves and cows.

The video, recorded between April and May, 2010, shows dairy farm workers beating cows in the face with crowbars, stabbing them with pitchforks, breaking their tails, and punching, throwing, and kicking calves.

Find out what you can do to help at:

Shocking testimony of a Holocaust survivor - Dr. Alex Hersheft
עדות מטלטלת של ניצול שואה - ד"ר אלכס הרשאפט
From the Warsaw Ghetto to Animal Rights - One Surviver's Journey - Alex Hersheft PhD
The link between Human Holocaust and Animal Holocaust explained by Dr. Alex Hersheft

(Gary Yourofsky, animals eliberation activist, explained Animal Holocaust in almost every speach and interview that he had)
Never Again

Please follow us on Facebook:

When it comes to the exploitation of animals, secrecy and lies are the rules. The doors of the animal-laboratory are locked. The reality of the industrial farm is concealed.
Instead, the public is fed with false images of happy animals offering themselves joyfully to be one's dinner.
Animal Log is a TV show, dedicated to animal rights. It brings to the public the information that one can rarely find on the regular news or in commercial advertisement.

Web site:

Never Again youtube channel description:
משפט אחד של גיבור נעוריו, הסופר היידי הנודע, יצחק בשביס זינגר, שינה את את תפיסת עולמו ועיצב את דרכו כלוחם צדק. לעדויות נוספות של ניצולי שואה, בקרו באתר: כשאלכס הרשאפט היה ילד בן שש , משפחתו הצטוותה על ידי הנאצים לעבור לתוך גטו ורשה שזה

עתה נוצר והוקף בחומה. אחרי שנתיים הצליחו הוא והוריו לברוח מהגטו, ואת שנות המלחמה בילה בנדודים עם אמו ממקום למקום בנסיון לא ליפול לידי הנאצים. הוא נשאר בחיים הודות למזל גדול, ובזכות אנשים בודדים שהיו מוכנים להסתכן, ואף שילמו בחייהם. אחרי המלחמה הוא התייסר בשאלה מדוע ניצל, כשרבים וטובים, כולל אביו וכל משפחתו למעט אמו, נספו. את התשובה הוא מצא לבסוף אחרי שביקר בבית מטבחיים, והמראות הזכירו לו דברים שראה בגטו, ואת התמונות ממחנה ההשמדה טרבלינקה. תודה לארגון JVNA על הפקת האירוע ועזרתו האדיבה בתרגום ההרצאה לעברית. לתמיכה בארגון, אנא בקרו באתר: עריכה לשונית: עינה טנא

This talk was produced by JVNA (Jewish Vegetarians of North America). To support JVNA, please visit:

One sentence of the hero of his youth, the famous Yiddish writer, Isaac Bashevis Singer, changed his worldview and shaped his way as a warrior of justice. For additional testimonies of Holocaust survivors, visit:

When Alex Hersheft was a six-year-old boy, his family was ordered by the Nazis to move into the newly created Warsaw Ghetto and was surrounded by a wall. After two years, he and his parents managed to escape from the ghetto, and spent the war years wandering with his mother from place to place in an attempt not to fall into the hands of the Nazis.

He survived thanks to great luck, and thanks to a few people who were willing to take risks, and even paid with their lives. After the war, he was tormented by the question of why he was saved, when many, including his father and all his family except for his mother, perished.

He finally found the answer after visiting the slaughterhouse, and the sights reminded him of things he had seen in the ghetto, and the pictures from the Treblinka extermination camp.

Thank you to JVNA for producing the event and its kind assistance in translating the lecture into Hebrew. To support the organization, please visit:

Language Editing: Einah Tene This talk was produced by JVNA (Jewish Vegetarians of North America). To support JVNA, please visit:

Gary Yourofsky - Backyard Lecture for 250 Kids (near school)
Gary Yourofsky - Cursul din Curte pentru 250 de Copii (langa scoala)

250 Israeli students attend Gary Yourofsky's lecture in someone’s BACKYARD! It was the most amazing activist scene Gary has witnessed in 18 years.

This piece also includes a 3-minute clip of the Q&A portion of the lecture where Gary condemns the consumption of eggs from hens living in someone’s backyard.

Gary Yourofsky is a vegan activist who has given 2,660 lectures to more than 60,000 people at 186 schools in 30 states and several Israeli cities/schools. His lecture has been translated into more than 30 languages for over 10 million YouTube hits.

- The Speech That Started It All:

101 Reasons to Go Vegan - James Wildman
101 Motive pentru a deveni Vegan (Vegetarian 100%) - James Wildman

Fundatia pentru Drepturile Animalelor din Florida (ARFF) prezinta 101 Motive pentru a deveni Vegan (Vegetarian 100%) presented by Humane Educator, James Wildman.

The Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF) presents 101 Reasons to Go Vegan presented by Humane Educator, James Wildman.

Original video:

Video on ARFF Youtube channel:

Web site:

Meet Your Meat - Documentary about Industrial Agriculture or Factory Farming (treatment of animals in modern animal agriculture

Published on Nov 22, 2010

Meet Your Meat is a documentary about factory farming created by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), narrated by Alec Baldwin, and directed by Bruce Friedrich and Cem Akin.

The documentary explores the treatment of animals in modern animal agriculture (also known as industrial agriculture or factory farming).

The film documents several cases of cruelty to animals, including:
- Egg-laying hens live in crowded cages, six or seven hens to one battery cage the size of a file drawer.
- Cattle are castrated, their horns are ripped off, and third-degree burns (livestock branding) are inflicted on them, all without anesthetic.
- Cows used for their milk have their babies stolen from them shortly after birth. These calves are sent to veal farms [and shortly to slautherhauses].
- Chickens bred and drugged to grow so quickly that their hearts, lungs, and limbs often can't keep up.
- Mother pigs (sows) are confined to gestation crates that are so small that the pigs cannot turn around or even lie down.
- Chickens' and turkeys' beaks are burned or cut off without anesthetic.

A se vedea in pagina 2, din index-ul acestui articol si informatiile istorice despre:
Iisus Hristos a fost vegan? - Sfintii Apostoli au fost vegani, vegetarieni 100%?
Was Jesus Christ a Vegan? - Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%?

Bine de stiut:
- Onorand Creatia lui Dumnezeu - CRESTINISM SI VEGETARIANISM - Honoring God's Creation - CHRISTIANITY AND VEGETARIANISM

CARNISM: Psihologia de a manca carne, consumului de carne - Consumul de carne este normal, natural, necesar? - Melanie Joy, dr. psiholog
CARNISM: The Psychology of Eating Meat - Meat consumption is normal, natural, necessary? - Melanie Joy, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy

Melanie Joy prezinta "Carnism: Psihologia de a manca carne" la Studiul Avansat de Weekend McDougall, februarie 2012.

Melanie Joy presents "Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat" at the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend, February 2012.

"Daca noi credem in absurditati, vom comite atrocitati." (Voltaire)

"Atata timp cat exista abatoare (case de ucidere a animalelor, macelarii), vor exista razboaie (campuri de lupta)." (Lev Tolstoi)

"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields" (Leo Tolstoy)

Presedintele PETA Vorbeste in Numele Animalelor - Ingrid Newkirk

PETA President Speaks Up for Animals - Ingrid Newkirk

Prin discursul sau, la o conferinta pentru drepturile animalelor, presedintele PETA, Ingrid Newkirk a inspirat oamenii plini de compasiune de pretutindeni sa vorbeasca pentru ceea ce ei cred in si sa devina mai activi in fiecare zi in moduri simple.

Through her keynote speech at an animal rights conference, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has inspired compassionate people everywhere to speak up for what they believe in and become more active every day in simple ways.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The animal rights organization
Oameni pentru Tratamentul Etic al Animalelor - Organizatia pentru drepturile animalelor


Interviuri cu Interviews Shaun Monson, director (regizor) al filmelor of Earthlings si Unity, dar si alte filme care apara viata in toate formele: natura, animalele, oamenii.

Interviurile de mai jos contin si cateva imagini, secvente din filmul documentar Earthlings - Pamantenii

OPRITI CRUZIMEA ASUPRA ANIMALELOR - Cunoasteti-l pe Shaun Monson, regizorul filmului documentar Earthlings - Pamantenii - partea 1 din 2

STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY - Meet Shaun Monson, Director of Earthlings - part 1 of 2

STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Meet Shaun Monson, Director of Earthlings. Episode: 1013, Air Date: 23. June 2009.

Cateva extrase din interviul cu Shaun Monson la SupremeMasterTV intitulat "STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Meet Shaun Monson, Director of Earthlings.":

Cateva celebritati care au ajutat la producerea filmului documentar Earthlings:
- Joaquin Phoenix - Esteemed US Actor - Vegan (narrator of the Earthlings movie)

- Woody Harrelson: Famed US Actor - Vegan

- Moby, Renowned US, Singer - songwriter and Musician - Vegan

- Persia White, noted US Actress and Musician (also she have a TV Show in USA "Girlfriends", she's also a board member of Humane Society, for years) - Vegan

- Maggie Q, US Actress - Vegan


Veganul (prescurtare si de la VEGetariAN) este o persoana care este vegetariana 100%. Un vegetarian care este vegan nu foloseste nici un produs care sa fi provenit de la animale, sau produse testate pe animale. Sunt mai multe tipuri de vegetarieni care nu sunt vegetarieni 100%: ovo-lacto-vegetarieni (pe langa alimentatia vegetariana mananca: oua, lactate si produse din lactate - derivate din lapte), ovo-vegetarieni (vegetarieni care mananca si oua), pesco-vegetarieni (vegetarieni care mananca si peste).

Alimentatie nesanatoasa ne afecteaza in cele din urma, cum se vede in timp de obicei intre 10 - 30 de ani (chiar din momentul conceptiei, si inainte de conceptie daca tata si mama nu se hranesc sanatos inainte de conceptie, apoi din uterul, burtica mamei), aceasta alimentatie de origine animala ne imbolnaveste grav si ne scurteaza viata (cu cel putin 20 - 30 de ani), din ce in ce mai multi doctori nutritionisti - specialisti in nutritie (alimentatie sanatoasa), doctori endocrinologi, etc., confirma acest lucru.

Adevaratii vegetarieni sunt Veganii care sunt strict vegetarieni, deoarece unii "vegetarieni" nu mananca un anumit tip de carne, dar mananca alte produse de origine animala, cum spuneam anterior: doar peste sau lapte, oua, etc. Veganii au o alimentatie vegetariana 100% (numai alimentatie pe baza de plante), alimentatie sanatoasa care se poate fi adoptata de orice persoana prin documentare si vointa.
Alimentatie vegana este sanatoasa (dar cea mai sanatoasa alimentatie este alimentatia: crudivora vegana - raw vegan - mancare negatita, neprocesata termic, in stare naturala, cruda si proaspata), este optima si pentru copii, dar si pentru femeile insarcinate.
Noi ne imbolnavim inca din burtica mamei (din viata noastra intrauterina) cum spuneam mai sus, daca mama nu se hraneste sanatos cat este insarcinata (si chiar daca mama si tata au mancat nesanatos o anumita perioada inainte de conceptie atunci ne transmit mai multe predispozitii la afectiuni, boli decat daca s-ar fi hranit sanatos inainte si dupa conceptie - mai multe detalii si in cartea: Sa traim sanatos fara toxine).

Produsele de origine animala creaza dependenta, adictivitate (din aceasta cauza este nevoie nu numai de vointa, dar si de documentare) vedeti pe acest site cum se creaza aceasta dependenta, dar si cum se poate renunta la dependenta fata de produsele de origine animala, renuntare relativ usoara in cateva saptamani (3 saptamani in general, mai mult sau mai putin, depinde de la persoana la persoana) sau renuntare la orice produs care creaza dependenta cum ar fi: zaharul, cafeaua (ciocolata, ceai verde, negru si orice produs care contine cofeina, cafeina), alcoolul, tigarile (si fumul de tigare - atentie nefumatori), etc. Toate aceste produse (si altele enumerate pe acest site, vezi si cartea: Sa traim sanatos fara toxine) creaza acidoza - aciditate mare in corp, toxine, neurotoxine, excitotoxine, etc. astfel acestea ne imbolnavesc (apar afectiuni) incet incet fizic, mental, sufletesc.

Aveti in meniul principal, la zona alimentatie sanatoasa emisiuni TV cu dr. Virgiliu Stroescu, prezentari video cu dr. Robert Morse. Dar si carti cu ultimele studii medicale care promoveaza alimentatia sanatoasa, alimentatia vegetariana, vegana, alimentatia vegetariana care este superioara celei animale, de origine animala cum spun nutritionistii documentati (vedeti zona carti de pe acest site unele se pot descarca GRATUIT in format PDF):

- carti scrise de dr. Emil Radulescu: Alimentatie inteligenta - Esti responsabil pentru propria sanatate; Intrebari si controverse despre stilul de viata; Ai grija de inima ta; Cancerul colorectal - O boala care se poate evita; Osteoporoza; Cancerul mamar; Cancerul de prostata - O boala de nutritie?; etc.
- carte: Tablete de stil de viata
- carti scrise de Elena Pridie: Retete pentru sanatatea noastra (pe langa stilul de viata sanatos contine si 500 de retete culinare vegetariene); Copilul vegetarian
- etc.

Informatii exista, ne trebuie putin timp si vointa sa invatam cum sa traim sanatos, fara sa facem rau omenirii, animalelor, naturii...Altfel raul facut se va intoarce in timp asupra noastra iminent sub forma de: boli din cauza alimentatiei, stilului de viata nesanatos, boli psihice si sufletesti, etc.

Aceste informatii despre alimentatia vegetariana care arata, pentru cine doreste sa fie vegetarian sau vegan, in mod usor, simplu (chiar mai ieftin decat mancarea pe baza de animale, de origine animala), si pe intelesul tuturor se arata alternativele alimentatiei vegetariane, alternative vegane fata de carne, lapte (si derivate din lapte), oua, peste, grasime animala si alte produsele din animale (inclusiv cosmetice, medicamente - de sinteza sau naturale, produse de curatenie, etc. dar care contin si ingrediente din animale, sau produse testate pe animale,...).

OPRITI CRUZIMEA ASUPRA ANIMALELOR - Cunoasteti-l pe Shaun Monson, regizorul filmului documentar Earthlings - Pamantenii - partea 2 din 2

STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY - Meet Shaun Monson, Director of Earthlings - part 2 of 2

STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY - Meet Shaun Monson, Director of Earthlings - P2/2. Episode: 1020, Air Date: 30. June 2009

Eco-Vegan Gal interviuri cu Shaun Monson, regizorul filmului Pamantenii si Unitate (Armonie, Intelegere): Partea 1 din 2-a 

Eco-Vegan Gal interviews Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings & Unity: Part 1 of 2 

Part 1 (of 2): Eco-Vegan Gal interviews Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings & Unity. Location: World Fest 2009

Cateva extrase din prima parte a interviului:

"We must not refuse with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies" -
"Noi nu trebuie sa refuzam cu ochii nostri ceea ce trebuie sa indure cu trupurile lor" spunea Gretchen Wyler (fondatorul premiilor "Genesis awards" impreuna cu Humane Society)

"Cand am devenit vegana (vegetariana 100%) e ca si cum m-am << trezit >> si de atunci mi-am dat seama ca sunt mult lucruri care nu mi-au fost spuse. NU trebuie sa mananc carne pentru proteine, nu trebuie sa beau lapte" (din surse animale: de vaca, etc.) " ca sa am oase sanatoase si puternice, etc. Chiar si acel act de lege (Animal Enterprise bill din SUA in 2005 ) prin care se cere oamenilor sa nu spuna, sa nu demaste minciunile companiilor din domeniul cresterii animalelor, si a atrocitatilor asupra animalelor facute de acele companii sau de companiile din industria alimenara " producatoare de carne, lapte, etc. " deoarece aceste companii, corporatii profita financiar pe baza acestor atrocitati asupra animalelor. - spune Whitney Lauritsen (persoana care ia interviul)

"Acele companii de animale " ("Animal Enterprise", companii crescatoare de animale, pentru companie, mancare, pentru imbracaminte - produse din piele si blana, etc.) " la finele lui 2005 au facut sa se semneze o lege in SUA prin care daca un semnal de alarma este tras, sau un regizor face un film " (despre atrocitatile facute de aceste companii asupra animalelor) " prin care profiturile acelei, acelor companii ii sunt afectate atunci cei care au tras << semnalul de alarma >> (chiar si pentru aratarea adevarului pentru sanatatea oamenilor), acestia sau acel regizor de film, etc. sunt trimisi la inchisoare. " spune Shaun Monson

Vedeti in inregistrarea, de mai jos, prin care se arata ce se doreste sa se ascunda societatii, si ce este legea "Animal Enterprise" sau "Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act law" si despre cum blocat aparitia acestui film documentar Earthlings - Pamantenii in mass-media si cum de s-a ajuns (momentan) doar la promovarea online prin Internet a fimului cum in mass-media (TV, Radio, ziare, etc.) acest film este blocat ca sa nu se afle adevarul.  



Filmmaker Shaun Monson talks about submitting his animal rights documentary EARTHLINGS to film festivals, networks, the Academy, and the new Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act law.
Earthlings is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research). Earthlings illustrates human's disrespect for "non-human providers", it is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix and features music by Moby.

Deci cum se vede si in inregistrarea video de mai sus, acele companii de animale si-au creat un cadru legal (prin "Animal Enterprise bill sau Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act law") ca sa fie aparate pentru orice rau fac cu animalele (in spatele usilor abatoarelor, crescatoriilor de animale, experimentelor stiintifice si medicale, etc.) ca sa NU se afle ADEVARUL, dar si in ce priveste adevarul despre afectarea sanatatii oamenilor.

Cum se stie ca peste 90% din bolile "lumii moderne" sunt: boi de inima, cancer, obezitate, diabet, etc., boli care sunt declansate de o alimentatie nesanatoasa in special din cauza alimentatiei pe baza de proteina animala, grasime animala adica: lapte, branza, carne, oua, peste si derivate.


Legea "Animal Enterprise Terorrism Act" din SUA a fost data la sfarsitul lui 2006, in noiembrie 2006, dupa lansarea filmului Earthlings (Pamantenii) in 2005. Sa fie o coincidenta lansarea legii ??! Sigur ca NU, legea este data pentru "protejarea" profiturilor corporatiilor necontand suferinta animalelor, folosind cele mai inumane si atroce metode de macelarire a animalelor. Chiar incalcand in multe cazuri legea din domeniul cresterii animalelor, lege care spune clar cum sa fie sacrificate animalele in anumite conditii astfel ca suferinta animalelor sa fie minima in SUA a se vedea in filmul Earthlings aceste incalcari ale legilor din SUA (dar si in alte tari se incalca legile de sacrificare care presupun suferinta minima a animalelor, cum majoritatea tarilor se "inspira" de americani in multe domenii nu numai in cel de productie prin animale, sacrificare animale, abatoare, eutanasie, etc).

Eco-Vegan Gal interviuri cu Shaun Monson, regizorul filmului Pamantenii si Unitate (Armonie, Intelegere): Partea 2 din 2-a

Eco-Vegan Gal interviews Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings & Unity: Part 2 of 2

Part 2 (of 2): Eco-Vegan Gal interviews Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings & Unity. Location: World Fest 2009

Cateva extrase partea a 2-a a interviului cu Shaun Monson:

"Animals can communicate quite well. And they do. And generally speaking, they are ignored." -

"Animalele pot comunica foarte bine. Si o fac. Si in general vorbind, ele sunt ignorate." spune Alice Walker.

"(...) Animalele care tipa, striga, se zvarcolesc in abatoare incearca sa ne spuna: <<Ne e frica, suntem speriate, simtim durerea ! >> si in general sunt ignorate (...)"  spune Shaun Monson

In fimul Pamantenii - "Earthlings" se spune: "Takes nothing away from a human to be kind with an animal." -
"Un om nu pierde nimic cand este bun cu un aminal." - spune Shaun Monson

In a 2-a parte a interviului Shaun Monson vorbeste despe urmatorele proiecte filme inca 2 unul in 2010 "Unity" si al-3-lea film din "trilogie" o sa fie un film documentar extraordinar, nemaifacut pana acum.

Interviul "Eco-Vegan Gal interviews Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings & Unity. Location: World Fest 2009" a fost facut de catre Whitney Lauritsen -


Shaun Monson despre Speciism

Shaun Monson on Speciesism

Monson vorbeste despre Earthlings - "Pamantenii", documentar epic care aduce la lumina atrocitatile hidoase comise de catre o societate specisista.

Shaun Monson talks about "Earthlings," the epic documentary that brings to light the hideous atrocities perpetrated by a speciesist society.

Cateva extrase din interviul cu Shaun Monson despre Speciism:

"(...) Uitati-va la cele 90 de minute din filmul Earthlings " (Pamantenii) " in care Adevarul este imutabil, adevarul este unul.

Puteti sa nu va uitati, sa spuneti ca nu doriti sa va uitati, dar daca sunteti dedicat adevarului, adeptul de a afla Adevarul in toate, atunci vedeti filmul.

Ele, animalele sufera cu corpurile lor, tot ce puteti face este doar sa va uitati 90 de minute la film, macar atat puteti face. (...)"

Castigatorul Premiilor - pentru filmul Pamantenii - regizorul Shaun Monson este un Vegetarian Vegan din Motive Etice

Award Winning Director Shaun Monson is Vegan Vegetarian for Ethical Reasons

"As long as there are slaughterhouses...there will be battlefields" -
"Atata timp cat vor exista abatoare " (macelarii) "...vor exista si campuri de lupta." - spune Lev (Leo) Tolstoi

Shaun Monson, award winning producer and director of Earthlings, shares his thoughts on meat protein vs plant protein, the concept of slaughtering animals for food and the relationship to humanity's propensity towards war, the problem with dairy, and more.

Robert Cheeke Show Bonus Episod Speicial cu Shaun Monson producatoul si regizorul filmului Pamantenii

Robert Cheeke Show Bonus Speicial Episode with Earthlings Producer Shaun Monson

In inregistrarea de mai sus se vorbeste Shaun Monson despre filmul Earthlings, filmul Unity - al 2-lea din trilogia Earthlings.

"Like we say in the movie " (in Earthlings) ": Takes nothing away from a human to be kind with an animal."
"Cum spunem in film " (in Pamantenii) " Un om nu pierde nimic cand este bun cu un aminal." - spune Shaun Monson

In inregistrare se spune si cine este antrenorul vegan (vegetarian 100%) al lui Shaun Monson de Bodybuilding & Fitness si cum se mentine in forma asa bine de cand este vegan, si decand are si acest antrenor de bodybuilding & fitnes printr-o alimentatie vegana, vegetariana 100%. Shaun Monson este Vegan si are o alimentatie vegetariana 100% (nu mananca nici un produs de natura animala: carne; lapte si derivate din lapte; oua; peste;).

Filmul Unitate (Armonie, Unire, Intelegere, Legatura, Pace, Iubire, Suntem cu Totii Unul, Una) - Regizor Shaun Monson si UNITATE
Unity Film (Harmony, Union, Understanding, Connection, Peace, Love, We Are All One, One) - Director Shaun Monson and UNITY

UNITY is a new film from the writer and director of EARTHLINGS, and features an unprecedented cast of 100 celebrity narrators.
It is a documentary about why we can't seem to get along with each other, even after thousands and thousands of years. UNITY will be released worldwide on April 22, 2015.

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." (Leo Tolstoy)

"Atata timp cat exista abatoare, vor fi campuri de lupta." (Lev Tolstoi)

Filmul Unitate - Trailer 2 (Povestit de Marion Cotillard)
Unity Film - Trailer 2 (Narrated by Marion Cotillard)

- Unity film web site:

- Unity film youtube: UnityTheFilm
- Unity film on facebook:

"Revolutia Vegana" inregistrare la CNN - 6/11/08
"Vegan Revolution" story on CNN - 6/11/08

Motive de ce ar trebui sa devi vegetarian
Reasons why you should become vegetarian

PETA's animal rights campaigns include ending fur and leather use meat and dairy consumption fishing hunting trapping factory farming circuses bull fighting rodeos and animal experimentation
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The animal rights organization -
Oameni pentru Tratamentul Etic al Animalelor - Organizatia pentru drepturile animalelor:

A se vedea in pagina 2, din index-ul acestui articol si informatiile istorice despre:
Iisus Hristos a fost vegan? - Sfintii Apostoli au fost vegani, vegetarieni 100%?
Was Jesus Christ a Vegan? - Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%?

Vedeti si alte informatii utile, mai jos (pagina 2 din index sau linkul Urmator>> - daca sunteti in modul Index de impartire a articolului curent in mai multe pagini).

Compasiune in loc de Ucidere: 15 ani de Compasiune (mila, indurare)

Compassion Over Killing: 15 Years of Compassion

Compassion Over Killing, 1995 to 2010. Learn more at

Campanie de informare a oamenilor despre industria Agro Alimentara pentru a se afla, constientiza de unde provine mancarea (carne, oua, lapte si derivate din lapte, peste, etc.), in ce conditii precare (mizere), dar si cum sunt chinuite animalele inainte de sacrificare si in momentul sacrificarii, animale care mor in chinuri dupa minute, zeci de minute sau chiar in ore de durere, in agonie... 

Au fost cateva extrase din interviuri pentru afla toate detaliile ascultati, vedeti interviurile, dar vedeti mai ales filmul Earthlings - Pamantenii pentru a constientiza TOT adevarul si nu numai parti din adevar.

Invata mai multe despre uimitoarele, extraordinarele Animale...

Learn More About Amazing Animals...

Invata mai multe despre uimitoarele, extraordinarele Animale - Pesti, Porci, Pui, Vaci

enjoy companionship, develop relationships with each other, and even show affection by gently rubbing against each other. They have individual personalities, talk to each other, and form bonds. They even grieve when their companions die.  Fish are also capable of remembering past social interactions that they have had with other fish.

are smarter than dogs are and every bit as friendly, loyal, and affectionate. Pigs are far better at playing video games than are dogs and even some primates. A pig has greater cognitive abilities than a 3-year- old human child.

Research has proved that in some ways chickens are smarter than dogs, cats, and even some primates. In a natural setting, a mother then begins to teach her chicks various calls before they even hatch - she clucks softly to them while she sits on the eggs, and they chirp back to her and to each other from inside their shells. Unfortunately, chickens on factory farms never meet their mothers.

enjoy solving problems and even experience “Eureka!” moments (in which their heart rates speed up, their adrenaline flows, and they even jump) when they are successful - just as humans do. They also interact in socially complex ways - a herd of cows is very much like a pack of wolves, with alpha animals and complex social dynamics, including friendships that develop over time.

Sursa: (pagina 2 din 10)

Informatii utile:

- Societatea Vegetarienilor din Romania (SVR):

- Veganii, aripa dura a vegetarienilor:
Pamantenii film documentar despre cruzimea oameninlor fata de animale - Stii ca: 500.000.000 (500 milioane) de oameni sunt vegetarieni? Nu e doar un trend sau un moft. Este un stil de viata. - Prezentare video organizata de: Societatea Vegetarienilor din Romania - si Mandala Club - Filmul documentar Pamantenii a fost prezentat gratuit pe 8 octombrie 2010 la orele 19.00, in Club Mandala, partenerul SVR-ului in organizarea acestui eveniment.

Stiai ca: 500.000.000 (500 milioane) de oameni sunt vegetarieni?  Nu e doar un trend sau un moft. Este un stil de viata.


"Sunt doua moduri in care viata poate fi traita: ca si cum nimic nu ar fi o minune sau ca si cum totul este o minune. Dar ceea ce sunt sigur este ca Dumnezeu exista." (Albert Einstein in Ziarul Lumina din 10 aprilie 2011)

Albert Einstein - Ziarul Lumina 9 ianuarie 2013:

Profesorul unei universitati importante si-a provocat studentii sa raspunda la urmatoarea intrebare: "Dumnezeu a creat tot ceea ce exista?"

Un student a raspuns ferm: "Da!"

Profesorul a pus o noua intrebare: "Daca Dumnezeu a creat totul inseamna ca el l-a creat si pe diavol. Si de vreme ce acesta exista, inseamna ca Dumnezeu este cel rau?"

Studentul nu a putut raspunde la aceasta supozitie, iar profesorul a sustinut ca demonstrat astfel faptul ca a crede in Dumnezeu este o poveste pentru copii, fara substrat real.

Un alt student a ridicat mana si a cerut sa puna o alta intrebare. El s-a ridicat in picioare si a spus: "Domnule profesor, starea de frig exista?"

"Bineinteles!", i-a raspuns profesorul. "Ce fel de intrebare este aceasta? Cu siguranta ca exista, nu ti-a fost frig, n-ai tremurat niciodata?"

Proaspatul student a raspuns: "De fapt, starea de rece nu exista. In concordanta cu legile fizicii, ceea ce noi consideram rece reprezinta de fapt absenta caldurii. Orice lucru poate fi obiect de studiu atata vreme cat transmite energie (caldura). Zero absolut reprezinta absenta totala a caldurii, dar starea de rece nu exista. Ce am facut noi este doar sa cream un termen care sa descrie ce simtim cand nu primim caldura in organism."

"Si, continua studentul, intunericul exista?"

"Bineinteles!" raspunse profesorul.

De aceasta data studentul raspunse: "Va inselati din nou, domnule profesor. Nici intunericul nu exista. Ceea ce exista de fapt este doar absenta luminii. Lumina poate fi studiata, intunericul nu. Nici nu poate fi fractionat intunericul, lumina da. O simpla raza de lumina alunga intunericul pe suprafata pe care ajunge. Intunericul este un termen inventat de oameni pentru a descrie ce se intampla cand nu avem lumina."

In sfarsit, studentul il intreba pe profesor: "Domnule profesor, exista raul absolut?"

Profesorul ii raspunse: "Bineinteles ca exista, dupa cum am mentionat la inceputul discutiei vedem violuri, crime, violenta peste tot in lume, toate acestea sunt intruchiparea raului."

"Domnule profesor, raul absolut nu exista. La fel cum am demonstrat in celelalte doua cazuri, raul absolut este un termen creat de om pentru a descrie rezultatul absentei lui Dumnezeu in inima omului!"

Dupa toate acestea, profesorul se recunoscu invins de aceasta argumentatie logica si nu mai spuse nimic. Numele acelui tanar student era Albert Einstein."

(Ziarul Lumina 9 ianuarie 2013 - Articol in categoria "Comoara intelepciunii": Albert Einstein - link;2182;1;78295;0;Albert-Einstein.html)

Vegetarieni si Vegani Faimosi (Celebri - Renumiti - Arhicunoscuti) - Filozofi, Oameni de Stiiinta, Actori, Cantareti, Pictori, Bodybuilders (Culturisti) & Fitness - Atleti - Sportivi si Sportive, Inventatori, Scriitori, Genii, Oameni Religiosi, etc.

Vegetarieni si Vegani Faimosi

Famous Vegetarians and Vegans

Informatii utile:


 (Guess Who? Find out Why?)

- Vegan Essentials - Online Vegan Store - Vegan Products for cruelty-free living | Magazin Vegan Online - Produse Vegane pentru un trai, un mod de viata fara cruzime, fara violenta (asupra animalelor)

Vegetarieni Faimosi Sexy - Sexy, Faimosi, De Gasca,, Celebritati, Staruri Rock si de Film VEGETARIENI  

Sexy Famous Vegetarians - Sexy, Famous, Cool, Celebrity VEGETARIAN Rock and Movie Stars

Sexy Celebrities, Famous Stars, Rock Stars, Movie Stars, Rich and Famous, Cool Trends, Fashion and Clothes, Makeup and Hair, Hair Dye, Hair Cuts, Animal Rights and Peta, Vegetarian and Vegan, History and Future, Hip Hop and Rap, Shopping and Malls, Popular and New, Music and Movies

40 de Barbati Vegani Sexy! - pe muzica "Moonflower" de Santana

40 Sexy Vegan Men! - "Moonflower" by Santana

PLEASE NOTE UPDATES 6/11/10: Elijah Wood and Geoff Rowley are NOT vegan...Elijah was only rumored to be apparently, and Geoff was vegan for a short time, but he 'hunts.' And Georges Laraque's sandwich is Canada KFC's vegan "chicken" sandwich. [I know, this is all so important, hehehe.]

Vegetarieni Faimosi

Famous Vegetarians 

Vegetarieni si Vegani Faimosi Bodybuilders (Culturisti) & Fitness (Conditie Fizica Buna), Atleti, Sportivi si Sportive

Famous Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilders & Fitness, Athletes, Sportsmen and Sportswomen

Vegetarieni si Vegani Faimosi Bodybuilders (Culturisti) & Fitness (Conditie Fizica Buna), Atleti, Sportivi si Sportive

Famous Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilders & Fitness, Athletes, Sportsmen and Sportswomen - Youtube

Optimizarea conditiei fizice (fitness - culturism).

There's many athletes on the sport's world, that are vegetarian and vegans...
In this video are many sportmen and sportwomen that decided don't eat meat for a lot of reasons, one of this reasons is that they are re knowledgeable about the food's health, and they know that eat meat absolutely innecessary for live a life with a truly health lifestyle.

Here's a list of some of this great athletes - O lista cu cativa dintre acesti faimosi, recunoscuti atleti, sportivi si sportive:


Celebritati Vegane Faimoase - Partea 1 din 2

Famous Vegan Celebrities Part 1 of 2

Partea 2-a o sa apara in curand! - Link-ul o sa apara aici.
O lista cu celebritati si atleti vegani.
Informatii de pe Wikipedia si lte surse. Din 28 May 2012.

Part 2 coming soon! - Url will be here.
A list of famous vegan celebrities and athletes.
According to Wikipedia and other sources. As of May 28, 2012.



Citate de la Vegetarieni Celebri - Einstein, Ghandi, Lincoln, MLK, Darwin (Personalitati istorice destepte)

Famous Vegetarians Quotes - Einstein, Ghandi, Lincoln, MLK, Darwin (Smart Historic Figures)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Ghandi

"Life is as dear to a mute creatures as it is to man." - The Dalai Lama

"I know in my soul that to eat a creature who is rised to be eaten, and who never has a chance to be a real being, is unhealthy...You're just eating misery." - Alice Walker

"Animals are my friends...and I don't eate my friends." - George Bernard Shaw

"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being." - Abraham Lincoln

"When I was old enough to realize that all meat was willed. I saw it as an irrational power, to take a weker thing and mutilate it. It was like bullies whould take control of younger kids in the school yard." - River Phoenix

"How can you eat anything with eyes?" - Will Kellogg

"Think occasionally of the suffering of wich you spare yourself the sight." - Dr. Albert Schweizer

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." - Leo Tolstoy

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they look on the murder of men." - Leonardo da Vinci

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein

"I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off, eating animals." - Henry David Thoreau

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man." - Charles Darwin

"Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat, you any more." - Franz Kafka

"The more red meat and blood we eat, the more bloodthirsty we get, the more violent we get. The more vegetarian food that we eat, the more peace is taken into us." - Ziggy Marley

"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouses and things: they are only animals." - Theodor Adorno

"Flesh eating is unprovoked murder" - Ben Fraklin

"What is it that should trace the insuperable line?...The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but Can they suffer?" - Jeremy Bentham

"For as long men massacre animals they will kill each other." - Pythagoras

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, wich is the goal of all evolution."

"Untill we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." - Thomas Edison

"The fate of animals is of greater importance to men that the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of man." - Emile Zola

"Basically we should stop doing those things that are destructive to the enviroment, other crestures, and aourselves and figure out new ways of existing." - Moby

Vegetarieni Faimosi Filozofi si Oameni Religiosi

Famous Vegetarian Philosopers and Religious People

Vegetarieni Faimosi Filozofi si Oameni Religiosi

Famous Vegetarian Philosopers and Religious People - Youtube

Cateva extrase din inregistrarea video de mai sus:

"The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral signifiance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality." - Arthur Schopenhauer - Philosopher (A fost un filozof german, cunoscut - mai ales - prin teoria sa asupra primatului "vointei"  in sfera reprezentarii lumii si in comportamentul uman.)

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. We have seen that the seses and intuitions, the various emotions and faculties, such as love, memoru, attention and curiosity, imitation, reason, etc...of which man boasts, may be found in an incipient and even some times a well-developed condition, in the lower animals." - Charles Darwin (Fondatorul teoriei referitoare la evolutia speciilor de plante si animale - teoria evolutionista. A facut teologia, era Creationist in prima parte a vietii. In ultima parte a vietii i-a parut rau ca a inventat teoria evolutionista care nu are suport stiintific, astfel s-a intors la Creationism, la crestinism.)

"A vegetarian is a person who won't eat anithing that have children." - Confucius (Sau Kong Fu Zi, a fost un filozof chinez care a influentat decisiv gandirea asiatica.)

"Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet. Not an ounce of flesh meat should enter our stomachs. The eating of flesh is unnatural. We are to return to God's original purpose in the creation of man. The moral evils of a flesh diet are not less marked than are the physical ills. Flesh food is injurious to health, and whatever affects the body has a corresponding effect on the mind and the soul...
Think of the cruelty to animals meat-eating involves, and its effect on those whoinflict and those who behold it. How it destroys the tenderness with which we should regard those creatures of God!" - Ellen G. White (a fost o autoare prolifica crestina si unul dintre pionierii americani a carui slujire a fost cu un rol esential in miscarea sabatista adventista de ziua a saptea care a dus la aparitia Bisericii de Ziua a Saptea Adventiste

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." - Immanuel Kant (Filozof german, unul din cei mai mari ganditori din perioada iluminismului in Germania. Kant este socotit unul din cei mai mari filozofi din istoria culturii apusene. Prin fundamentarea idealismului critic, a exercitat o enorma influenta asupra dezvoltarii filozofiei in timpurile moderne. In special Fichte, Schelling si Hegel si-au dezvoltat sistemele filozofice pornind de la mostenirea lui Kant. Cei mai multi scriitori si artisti din vremea lui au fost influentati de ideile sale in domeniul esteticii, operele lui Goethe, Schiller sau Kleist neputand fi intelese fara referinta la conceptiile filozofice ale lui Kant.)

"The indifference of children towards meat is one proof that the taste for meat is unnatural; their preference is for vegetable foods, such as milk, pastry, fruit, etc.
Beware of changing this natural taste and making children flesh-eaters, if not for their health's sake, for the sake of their character...for however one tries to explain the practice, it is certain that great meat-eaters are ussualy more cruel and ferocious that other men. This has been recognised at all times and in all places.
The English are noted for their cruelty while the Gaures are the gentlest of men...all savages are cruel, and it is not their customs that tend in this direction; their cruelty is the result of their food. Thry go to war as to the chase, and treat men as they would treat bears." - Jean Jacques Rousseau (A fost un filozof francez de origine geneveza, scriitor si compozitor, unul dintre cei mai ilustri ganditori ai Iluminismului. A influentat hotarator, alaturi de Voltaire si Diderot, spiritul revoluționar, principiile de drept si constiinta sociala a epocii; ideile lui se regasesc masiv in schimbarile promovate de Revolutia franceza din 1789.)

"As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace.
For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." - Pythagoras (A fost un filozof si matematician grec, originar din insula Samos, intemeietorul pitagorismului, care punea la baza intregii realitati teoria numerelor si a armoniei. (...) Traditia ii atribuie descoperirea teoremei geometrice si a tablei de inmultire, care ii poarta numele. Ideile si descoperirile lui nu pot fi deosebite cu certitudine de cele ale discipolilor apropiati.)

"Thou Shalt Not Kill, for life is given to all by God, and that wich God has given, let not man take away...For I tell you truly, from one mother proceeds all that lives upon the earth.

Theerefore, he who kills, kills his brother...and from him will the earthly mother turn away, and will plunck from him her quickening breasts; and he will be ahunned by her angels and satan will have his dweling in his body...and the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his own tomb...

For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and who so eat the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death...For in his blood every drop of their blood turns to poison; in his breath their breath to stink; in his flesh their flesh to boils; in his bones their bones to his bowels their bowels to decay; in his eyes their eyes to scales; in his ears their ears to waxy issue.

And their death will became his death" - Jesus Christ (Iisus Hristos)

The person who chose the vegan lifestyle chose this lifestyle of love for all people, all animals and all of nature.

Persoana care a ales stilul de viata vegan a ales acest stil de viata din iubire pentru toti oamenii, toate animalele si toata natura.

Iisus Hristos a fost Vegetarian ~ Necesita sa fie vazut!

Jesus was a Vegetarian ~ MUST SEE!

Iisus Hristos a fost Vegetarian ~ Necesita sa fie vazut!

Jesus was a Vegetarian ~ MUST SEE! - Youtube

Mai multe detalii la:

Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan? - Sfintii Apostoli au fost Vegani, Vegetarieni 100%?
Was Jesus Christ a Vegan? - Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%?

Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan? - Sfintii Apostoli au fost Vegani, Vegetarieni 100%?
Was Jesus Christ a Vegan? - Holy Apostles were Vegans, Vegetarians 100%? - Youtube

Vegan - Veganul este o persoana vegetariana 100%, dar care pe langa alimentatia vegetariana nu foloseste nici un produs facut din animale, sau care sa aibe ingrediente din animale (produse din piele si blana - haine, pantofi, cizme, curele, genti, etc.; cosmetice sau produse farmaceutice care au fost testate pe animale, etc.). Persoana care a ales stilul de viata vegan a ales acest stil de viata din iubire pentru toti oamenii, toate animalele si toata natura.

Cateva extrase din prezentarea video "Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan? - Was Jesus Christ a Vegan?":

In Gods initial and ideal world, represented in the book of Genesis by the Garden of Eden, there was no suffering, no exploitation, and no violence at all.

God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.
And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so.
God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1:29-31

The consumption of animal flesh was unknown up until the great flood. But since the great flood, we have had the fibers and the stinking fluids of animal flesh stuffed into our mouths...
Jesus, the Christ, who appeared when the time was fulfilled, again joined the end to the beginning, so that we are now no longer allowed to eat animal flesh.
Hieronymus (331-420)

I live on bread and olives, to which I only seldom add a vegetable.
Clementine Homilies XII, 6; rec. VII, 6
(Adversus Jovinanum 1:30)

Matthew lived on seed, the fruit of trees and vegetables without meat.
Clemens of Alexandria,
Paidagogos II, 1:16

John never ate meat.
Church historian Hegesipp according to Eusebius,
History of the Church II 2:3

Jacob, the brother of the Lord (Jesus Christ), lived on seeds and plants and touched neither meat nor wine.
Epistulae ad Faustum XXII, 3

In the earthly paradise, there was no wine, no one sacrificed animals and no one ate meat.

As long as one lives frugally the luck of the house will increase; the animals will be safe; no blood will be shed, and no animal will be killed.
The cooks knife will be useless; the table will only be set with fruits which nature offers to us, and one will be satisfied with that.
From the epistles of Basilius the Great (329-379)

Jesus' message is about love and compassion, but there is nothing loving or compassionate at factory farms and slaughterhouses, where billions of animals endure miserable lives and die violent deaths.

If Jesus lived in our culture of violence, he would do everything he could to confront the structures of death and call for a new culture of peace and life.

Hosea: "I desire mercy and not sacrifice."


Informatii utile:

- Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul NU a mancat nici lacuste (a se vedea greseala de traducere din Biblie in inregistrarea video de mai sus in care se arata traducerea gresita de lacusta dar corect spus este ca a mancat niste fructe dulci acrisoare care se asemana numele lor cu numele de lacusta) si nici miere nu a mancat, ci a mancat radacinile unei plante salbatice din pustie pe nume Melagria:

"Melagria era o planta salbatica din pustie, ale carei radacini constituiau hrana principala in vremea retragerilor in pustie. Melagria pare a fi aceeasi cu meli agrion, hrana Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, tradus, pare-se, gresit cu miere (meli) salbatica (agrion) - nota 84, Vietile pustiniclor Palestinei de Chiril de Schitopolis."

Extrasul de mai sus cu planta vegetala Melagria a fost preluat de pe contul Facebook al parintelui Suciu Petru Marcel:
- Suciu Petru Marcel:
- Parintele Suciu Petru Marcel:

Sfantul Prooroc Ioan Botezatorul (Ingerul in trup de om si varul lui Iisus Hristos, vestitorul Mantuitorului Iisus Hristos, lui Mesia) NU a mancat lacuste, asa cum confirma si IPS Teodosie Arhiepiscopul Tomisului - Ierarhul Tomisului - Arhiepiscopia Tomisului (Teodosie Petrescu, nascut Macedon Petrescu) la un post radio Ortodox si parintele Vasile Gavrila (la postul Trinitas TV, postul de televiziune al Patriarhiei Romane, in luna februarie sau martie 2013; moderatorul emisiunii de pe Trinitas TV parintele Cristian Galeriu – nepotul parintelui Constantin Galeriu – a zambit putin, deci a confirmat prin prin zambet si tacere acest adevar cum Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul NU a mancat lacuste, ci a mancat fructe dulci acrisoare [asemanatoare cu niste stafide rosiatice mai mari], deci in acest context este o greseala de traducere din scrierile timpurii ale Bibliei din Greaca si Ebraica).

In inregistrarea video de mai sus "Iisus Hristos a fost Vegan?....Was Jesus Christ a Vegan?..." o sa vededeti traducerile gresite din Biblie comparate cu traducerile timpurii ale Bibliei (din Greaca si Ebraica) si in ce priveste de ce Iisus nu a mancat carne si nici peste ci mancare simpla (vegetariana, vegana), iar la miracolul cu hranirea multimilor, multimile NU au fost hranite cu paine si peste ci au fost hranite cu paine si fructe (painea era facuta dintr-o alga marina a carei nume se asemana cu numele de peste, astfel s-a tradus gresit din textele timpurii ale Bibliei).

Oricare ar fi realitatea, cum noi nu am fost prezenti fizic acolo, Iisus Hristos (Mantuitorul) spune lumii, multimilor ca El a venit nu ca sa le dea mancare lumeasca (paine, vin, etc.) ci a venit sa le dea Painea Vesnica care Paine este El, adica Trupul si Sangele Lui sa-L manance (deci Sfanta Taina a Impartasaniei, painea si vinul care se transforma in chip nevazut, tainic, la Taina Impartasaniei in Trupul si Sangele Domnului, Mantuitorului), deci Hristos a venit sa-i pregateasca pe cei care doresc sa-L urmeze, adica pe crestini (ucenicii, urmasii lui Hristos, Christos), prin fapte de credinta (prin respectarea practica a celor 10 porunci, decalogul si ce spune Dumnezeu in Biblie ca sa ne putem mantui) sa fie mantuiti, astfel ca omul sa traiasca Vesnic dupa Judecata de Apoi in Imparatia lui Dumnezeu unde se traieste cum traiesc Ingerii: fara mancare lumeasca, fara petreceri, bautura, cafea, tigari, etc. fara vorbe lumesti, fara casatorii, fara relatii conjugale, sexuale sau alte contexte lumesti trecatoare si mai ales fara cele neduhovnicesti toate acestea si altele fara de valoare pentru Dumnezeu... cum spunea inteleptul Solomon la un moment dat ca toate cele lumesti sunt: desertaciunea desertaciunilor).

- Societatea Vegetarienilor din Romania (SVR):

- Veganii, aripa dura (ferma, cu fermitate) a vegetarienilor:

Pamantenii film documentar despre cruzimea oameninlor fata de animale - Stii ca: 500.000.000 (500 milioane) de oameni sunt vegetarieni? Nu e doar un trend sau un moft. Este un stil de viata. - Prezentare video organizata de: Societatea Vegetarienilor din Romania - si Mandala Club - Filmul documentar Pamantenii a fost prezentat gratuit pe 8 octombrie 2010 la orele 19.00, in Club Mandala, partenerul SVR-ului in organizarea acestui eveniment.

Stiai ca: 500.000.000 (500 milioane) de oameni sunt vegetarieni?  Nu e doar un trend sau un moft. Este un stil de viata.


"Sunt doua moduri in care viata poate fi traita: ca si cum nimic nu ar fi o minune sau ca si cum totul este o minune. Dar ceea ce sunt sigur este ca Dumnezeu exista." (Albert Einstein in Ziarul Lumina din 10 aprilie 2011)

Albert Einstein - Ziarul Lumina 9 ianuarie 2013:

Profesorul unei universitati importante si-a provocat studentii sa raspunda la urmatoarea intrebare: "Dumnezeu a creat tot ceea ce exista?"

Un student a raspuns ferm: "Da!"

Profesorul a pus o noua intrebare: "Daca Dumnezeu a creat totul inseamna ca el l-a creat si pe diavol. Si de vreme ce acesta exista, inseamna ca Dumnezeu este cel rau?"

Studentul nu a putut raspunde la aceasta supozitie, iar profesorul a sustinut ca demonstrat astfel faptul ca a crede in Dumnezeu este o poveste pentru copii, fara substrat real.

Un alt student a ridicat mana si a cerut sa puna o alta intrebare. El s-a ridicat in picioare si a spus: "Domnule profesor, starea de frig exista?"

"Bineinteles!", i-a raspuns profesorul. "Ce fel de intrebare este aceasta? Cu siguranta ca exista, nu ti-a fost frig, n-ai tremurat niciodata?"

Proaspatul student a raspuns: "De fapt, starea de rece nu exista. In concordanta cu legile fizicii, ceea ce noi consideram rece reprezinta de fapt absenta caldurii. Orice lucru poate fi obiect de studiu atata vreme cat transmite energie (caldura). Zero absolut reprezinta absenta totala a caldurii, dar starea de rece nu exista. Ce am facut noi este doar sa cream un termen care sa descrie ce simtim cand nu primim caldura in organism."

"Si, continua studentul, intunericul exista?"

"Bineinteles!" raspunse profesorul.

De aceasta data studentul raspunse: "Va inselati din nou, domnule profesor. Nici intunericul nu exista. Ceea ce exista de fapt este doar absenta luminii. Lumina poate fi studiata, intunericul nu. Nici nu poate fi fractionat intunericul, lumina da. O simpla raza de lumina alunga intunericul pe suprafata pe care ajunge. Intunericul este un termen inventat de oameni pentru a descrie ce se intampla cand nu avem lumina."

In sfarsit, studentul il intreba pe profesor: "Domnule profesor, exista raul absolut?"

Profesorul ii raspunse: "Bineinteles ca exista, dupa cum am mentionat la inceputul discutiei vedem violuri, crime, violenta peste tot in lume, toate acestea sunt intruchiparea raului."

"Domnule profesor, raul absolut nu exista. La fel cum am demonstrat in celelalte doua cazuri, raul absolut este un termen creat de om pentru a descrie rezultatul absentei lui Dumnezeu in inima omului!"

Dupa toate acestea, profesorul se recunoscu invins de aceasta argumentatie logica si nu mai spuse nimic.  Numele acelui tanar student era Albert Einstein."

(Ziarul Lumina 9 ianuarie 2013 - Articol in categoria "Comoara intelepciunii": Albert Einstein -;2182;1;78295;0;Albert-Einstein.html)


E bine sa vedeti, dupa filmul Earthlings - Pamantenii si inregistrarile de mai jos pentru cine doreste sa fie vegan sau sa aibe o alimentatie vegetariana.

A must see for anyone interested in a vegan diet or vegetarian diet.

Alimentatia Vegana, Alimentatia Vegetariana: partea 8-a Oameni Sanatosi discuta de ce au ales, ce i-a determinat sa aleaga Alimentatia Vegetariana, Alimentatia Vegana

Vegan Diet, Vegetarian Diet: 8 Healthy People Discuss Why

Proteinele la Vegetarieni: 9 Oameni Sanatosi care Impartasesc Sursele lor de Mancare Vegetariene - De unde isi iau vegetarienii proteinele?

Vegetarian Protein: 9 Healthy People Share Vegetarian Food Sources - From where vegetarian people get their protein?

Cum sa fii Vegan: Cum sa cititi etichetele ca un Vegan

Being a Vegan: How to Read Food Labels as a Vegan

Fara sa fiti pacaliti cu asa zisele produse "Eco", "Bio", "Organic" care ascund ingredinente nesanatoase (ex.: zahar si alte ingrediente procesate care sunt nesanatoase). Plus o lista de inregistrari video din care inveti cum sa te hranesti sanatos - acesta este primul din lista de filme video (peste 15) pentru cei care doresc sa treaca de la mancarea omnivor, sau partial vegetariana la alimentatia vegetariana 100%, si cum sa fii Vegan (pe langa alimentatia vegetariana a fii Vegan inseaman sa nu folosesti produse pe baza de animale, din piele de animale, din blana de animale, sau care contin ingredinete din animale, sau orice produs testat pe animale).
Learn tips on how to read the labels on food products if you are on a vegan diet in this free how-to video on being a vegan and living healthy.

Expert: Robert Cheeke
Bio: Robert Cheeke is president and founder of Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness. He is a champion bodybuilder, speaker, and one of VegNews Magazines 15 most influential vegan athletes in the world.
Filmmaker: Jon Collins


Fiind Vegan: De unde luam Proteinele in Alimentatia Vegana

Being a Vegan: Getting Protein in a Vegan Diet

Robert Cheeke is president of Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness in Portland. This tutorial is "All about Being a Vegan."
Alte detalii si la:


Fiind un Vegan: Intelegand stilul de viata Vegan

Being a Vegan: Understanding the Vegan Lifestyle

Bodybuilding & Fitness Vegan - Turul Cartii prin Nord-Vestul Americii - montaj video (Bodybuilding se traduce in: Culturism, iar Fitness se traduce in: Conditie Fizica Buna, Sanatoasa - mai ales prin miscare fizica, sport)

Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness Northwest Book Tour - video montage

Ca sa NU se mai spuna ca nu poti avea rezultate optime in: sportul de performanta, sporturi olimpice, dar si in culturism, bodybuilding & fitness
Cartea: Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness - The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant Based Diet (7 aprilie 2010 - prima editie)
in traducere: Culturism & Fitness Vegan - Un Ghid Complet pentru a-ti Construi Corpul pe Baza Alimentatiei din Plante (Alimentatie Vegetariana 100%), carte unica in lume, scrisa de Robert Cheeke, campion bodybuilder (culturist), este printre primii 15 cei mai influenti, cunoscuti atleti vegani din lume.
Cartea se poate comanda la:

Robert Cheeke - - PresidentVegan Bodybuilding and fitness - Book by Robert Cheeke -

Bodybuilding & Fitness Vegan - Prin stil de viata Vegan (Vegan = 100% Vegetarian) - Actualizare inainte de lansarea cartii 8 ianuarie 2010

Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness Book Update January 8, 2010

Robert Cheeke provides and update on the Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness book. Jan 8, 2010 update just after waking up.

Actrita Oona Mekas mananca Mancare Organica si are o alimentatie Vegana pentru o sanatate maxima (nu a avut probleme cu sanatatea) si la dentist a fost de foarte putine ori

Actress Oona Mekas Eats Organic Food and A Vegan Diet For Flavor and Nutrition

Alicia Silverstone vorbeste despre avantajele Sanatatii celor care sunt Vegani (inregistrare video extrasa de la lansarea cartii vegetariene, vegane: The Kind Diet - scrisa de Alicia Silverstone)

Alicia Silverstone Not 'Clueless' About Vegan Health

Complete video at:

Actress and environmental activist Alicia Silverstone shares her experience adopting veganism. She claims the change in diet brought her more energy, clearer skin, and allergy-related health benefits.
Long before it was cool to "be green," critically acclaimed actress Alicia Silverstone was coming forward as a passionate and vocal advocate for environmental causes. In her new book, Silverstone reveals how eating a plant-based diet not only provides numerous health benefits for you, but is also a major contribution to the health of the planet.

Filled with personal anecdotes, motivational tips, and nearly 100 recipes, The Kind Diet is a fun and accessible way to begin your own journey toward better health. Whether youre simply curious about life without meat or are ready to go macrobiotic, The Kind Diet's three different approaches offer a way to choose the path that's right for you. - Kepler's Books

Alicia Silverstone is an American actress, author, and former fashion model. She first came to widespread attention in music videos for Aerosmith, and is best known for her roles in Hollywood films such as Clueless (1995) and her portrayal of Batgirl in Batman & Robin (1997).

Silverstone recently published the vegan nutrition book, The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight and Saving the Planet. The guide includes diet and fitness guidance and advice, along with holistic living tips. It "explores the connection between what we put in our bodies and what we're doing to the planet, and how choosing the right foods in the kitchen can help you feeling lighter, sexier, and more alive." She has also produced an online production called "The Kind Life."

Invata in 5 minute, esentialul despre: Alimentatia (nutritia) pe baza de plante (plantele alimentare) si Cum sa Mancam Sanatos
Learn About Plant-based Nutrition & How to Eat Healthy

Mai multe detalii despre mancarea organica, mancarea sanatoasa, mancarea vegetariana si in in special cat de usor si sanatos este sa devi vegetarian, vegan la:

Se poate trai vegetarian 100% si sanatos pana la 120-140 de ani (si chiar mai mult prin alimentatia crudivora vegetariana - raw vegan - mai ales prin alimentatia fructivora). Stiintific, medical si genetic se stie acest lucru, dar NU se doreste sa se afle acest ADEVAR deoarece ar da faliment acele companii care cresc animalele (pentru: mancare,  cercetari stiintifice si medicale, etc.). Acele companii si din Industria Alimentara, Industria Farmaceutica, Pharma, etc., care vand produse pe baza de proteina animala, grasimi animale, dar si alte alimente si produse nesanatoase, nu mai discutam despre E-uri, aditivii alimentari, medicamentele de sinteza, alcool, tutun, cafea (cafeaua are 19 substante co-cancerigene despre care NU se vorveste vedeto detalii in emisiunile TV cu dr. Virgiliu Stroescu si despre efectele daunatoare sanatatii ale alcoolului, tutunului, cafelei, cafeinei asupra organismului uman), etc.

Tot mai mullti miliardari trec pe o alimentatie vegetariana (vegana) deoarece acestia si-au dat ca aceasta este singurul "elixir al tineretii" (cum a demonstrat de ani de zile adevarata stiinta, medicina Medicina Naturala sau cum se stie in popor sub numele de medicina naturista) prin care coprul imbatraneste mai incet (cu minim 15-20 de ani) decat cei care mananca proteina animala, grasime animala etc. Si se elimina peste 90% chiar 100% din afectiunile, "bolile" asa zise ale "lumii moderne, lumii industrializate" (boli de inima, boli cardiovasculare - BCV, atac vascular cerebral - AVC, cancer, obezitate, diabet, etc.), dar pe langa prevenirea si vindecarea bolilor se prelungeste viata cu un stilul de viata sanatos care include: alimentatia vegetarina, pe langa hidratarea corecta, miscare, exercitiul fizic, odihna noaptea (optim sa dormim 7-8 ore nu mai mult nu mai putin pentru ca ne scurtam viata asa cum arata studiile medicale), munca intensa (optim 8 ore), odihna activa (optim 8 ore - sa facem ce ne place, ce en relaxeaza: plimbat cu prietenii, ascultat muzica, dans, cititi, miscare, sport, etc).

Se pot vedea carti despre stil de viata sananatos pe acest site in zona Cati, carti 100% cu alternative vegetariene, sanatoase. Dar si emisiuni video vedeti categoria Alimentatie sanatoasa mai ales emisiunile cu dr. Virgiliu Stroescu.
Dr. Virgiliu Stroescu este doctor in medicina, Endocrinolog si Nutritionist, medicul si nutritionistul olimpicilor romani peste 20 de ani: Nadia Comaneci, Ecaterina Szabo, fotbalisti (Gica Hagi), atleti, etc., dansul este vegetarian, vegan (vegetarian 100%)


In viata (in orice context al vietii: in familie, la scoala, la servici, in societate) in ce priveste natura, animalele, omenirea: Daca nu putem sa facem binele macar sa NU facem ce este rau (injositor, inuman, etc.) deoarece mai devreme sau mai tarziu "O sa culegem ce am semanat.", deci prin fapte rele sau fapte bune o sa avem o viata nefericita (sau aparent fericita, superficial fericita, doar la suprafata), sau o viata cu adevarat fericita. 

Hipocrate numit "Parintele Medicinei" spunea acum 2.500 de ani: Alimentele sa va fie medicamente si medicamentele sa va fie alimente. (Hipocrate a fost vegetarian)

"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being." -

"Sunt in favoarea drepturilor animalelor precum si pentru drepturile omului. Acesta este modul in care suntem in totalitate fiinte umane" - spune Abraham Lincoln (al 16-lea presedinte al Americii)

Informatii utile:
- Mai multe informatii despre Earthlings - Pamantenii si despre producatorul Shaun Monson si co-producatorii filmului documentar pe Youtube


EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers."

The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (WALK THE LINE, GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby.

With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests.

EARTHLINGS has taken five years to produce. What began as a series of Public Service Announcements on spaying and neutering pets, evolved into a feature-length film on every major animal-related issue. Writer/Director Shaun Monson began the process by shooting footage at animal shelters in South Central L.A., Long Beach and North Hollywood.

The PSAs were soon completed as his interest moved to other problem areas, like food and scientific research. In time, he accumulated a small library of material from several animal welfare organizations, and started editing. The process was a slow one. As footage gradually came in, Joaquin's narration was recorded (in stages), and a soundtrack was added. Along with all of Moby's music, some original pieces were also written for the film.

In 2005, EARTHLINGS premiered at the Artivist Film Festival, (where it won Best Documentary Feature), followed by the Boston International Film Festival, (where it won the Best Content Award), an the San Diego Film Festival, (where it won Best Documentary Film, as well as the Humanitarian Award to Joaquin Phoenix for his work on the film).


Alte informatii utile:

- OTRAVA DIN GALANTAR - Otrava pe care o mancam in fiecare zi. - In premiera: o ancheta socanta privind ESCROCHERIILE UCIGASE ALE HIPERMARKETURILOR (Mari Magazine) si "INGREDIENTELE" NESTIUTE DIN ALIMENTE - Realizator Carmen Avram, Antena 3 - Video - 26 min (ancheta - 18 noiembrie 2012)

- RAU CU BUNA STIINTA - MANCAM ANTIBIOTICE SI PESTICIDE? - Suntem OTRAVITI incetul cu incetul, laptele si animalele din abatoare sunt pline de medicamente, sedative si ne imbolnavesc grav - Ancheta "In premiera": PERICOLUL DIN MANCAREA NOASTRA - Video 21 min (ancheta - 3 martie 2013)

- Adevarul despre ANIMALELE INDOPATE CU ANTIBIOTICE, reziduurile de medicamente din carne si lapte care sunt TOXICE PENTRU OM si ne imbolnavesc in timp...- Ancheta "In premiera": SISTEMUL CONTRAATACA. Cum sunt persecutati si redusi la tacere...Video - 17 min (continuare ancheta - 24 martie 2013)

- POFTA BUNA LA OTRAVA! - Despre fructele, legumele, etc. crescute cu chimicale. Alimentatia sanatoasa: fructele si vegetalele crescute natural (crescute ecologic, bio, organic) - Ancheta In premiera cu Carmen Avram, Antena 3 - 14 dec 2014 - Video - 29 min

- MANCAREA CU HORMONI SI EFECTELE EI DEZASTRUOASE: pubertate precoce, obezitate, cancere, etc. - Tu stii ce mananci? Lista substantelor cu efecte HORMONALE si cat de PERICULOASE sunt pentru organism - Romania te iubesc! Stirile ProTV - 25 iun 2012 - Video - 11 min


- OTRAVA DIN FARFURIE - HRANA DE ORIGINE ANIMALA ARE HORMONI PERICULOSI ei nu se distrug termic ajung in noi declansand PUBERTATEA PRECOCE, boli grave CARDIOVASCULARE, CANCER, OBEZITATE, ETC. - Dr. Virgiliu Stroescu - B1TV Sub semnul intrebarii - 3 Noi 2011

- Pubertatea la fete - Sfaturi pentru parinti - Pubertatea precoce si efectele secundare asupra sanatatii fizice si psihologice la fete: depresie, impulsuri sexuale precoce, cancerul de san, etc. Cum poate fi prevenita pubertatea precoce? Studiu stiintific.



EUGENIA GLOBALA - Folosirea medicinei pentru a ucide! - GLOBAL EUGENICS - Using Medicine To Kill! - Video - 124 minute

- ODISEEA VIETII - Viata intrauterina, de la conceptie pana la nastere. - MIRACOLUL VIETII - Si despre: Cand incepe Viata? Conceptie, embrion, fat, copilul nenascut, etc. - Odyssey of Life - La Odisea de la Vida - L'Odyssée de la Vie - Inregistrari Video

- APARITIA CANCERULUI, ACCELERATA DE LOTIUNILE DE PLAJA - Lotiunile de plaja mai declanseaza: tulburari hormonale si alte implicatii negative serioase pentru sanatate.

- RISCURILE MAMOGRAFIEI - Rolul ascuns al Societatii Americane pentru Cancer (American Cancer Society - ACS) - Mamografia si Cancerul de San (Cancerul Mamar) - Cauzele bolilor - Mamografie - Screening

- DEZVALUIRI SOCANTE despre doctorii Ginecologi, Endocrinologi... Avort, Metode Anticonceptionale, Contraceptive, Sterilet, Prezervativ, HPV. Sindromul Post-Avort.Consiliere pre si post avort - Dr. Christa Todea-Gross - Cluj 9 Dec. 2008, Oradea 27 Feb. 2009 -

- PRODUSELE COSMETICE UZUALE contin substante EXTREM DE TOXICE! - Vezi INGREDIENTELE NESANATOASE din aceste cosmetice si produse de ingrijire, si BOLILE DECLANSATE DE ACESTEA. - Alternativele la cosmeticele uzuale sunt produsele Bio sau Organice, Ecologice

- Moda crestina - RUSINEA FEMEILOR DIN ZIUA DE AZI (machiaj, pantaloni, decolteuri, fuste si rochii provocatoare, etc.) SI VINOVATII LOR! - Femeile care se imbraca in, poarta haine barbatesti sunt URACIUNE in fata lui Dumnezeu. - TRUP FRUMOS SI SUFLET MORT.


- Pornografia maladia secolului XXI - Virgiliu Gheorghe - Editura Prodromos, Asociatia pentru apararea familiei si copilului - 2011 (prima editie) (carte - descarcare GRATUITA - PDF)

- Indrumarul medical si crestin despre viata al Federatiei Organizatiilor Ortodoxe Pro-Vita din Romania - Dr. Christa Todea-Gross, Preot prof. dr. Ilie Moldovan - Editura Renasterea - 2008 (prima editie) (carte - descarcare GRATUITA - PDF)

- SA TRAIM SANATOS FARA TOXINE. GHID FUNDAMENTAL. ALIMENTE SI PLANTE NATURALE PENTRU REGENERAREA CELULARA COMPLETA - Dr. Robert Morse - Editura Paralela 45 -2005 (prima ed) The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Food and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration (carte - descarcare GRATUITA - PDF)