MAREA ESCROCHERIE A INCALZIRII GLOBALE - Incalzirea globala - Un documentar absolut fenomenal - The Great Global Warming Swindle - BBC - Documentar de Martin Durkin - 2007 - Video - 75 minute Imprimare
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Marea escrocherie a incalzirii globale - Incalzirea globala - Un documentar absolut fenomenal - The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Film complet 75 minute (Cu introducerea de 2 minute) [Full movie] - 2007

Marea escrocherie a incalzirii globale - Incalzirea globala - Un documentar absolut fenomenal - The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Film complet 73 minute (Fara introducerea de 2 minute) [HD - High Definition - Se vede mai clar] - 2007

The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times."

According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun. Some have called The Great Global Warming Swindle the definitive retort to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Using a comprehensive range of evidence it's claimed that warming over the past 300 years represents a natural recovery from a 'little ice age'.

According to the program humans do have an effect on climate but it's infinitesimally small compared with the vast natural forces which are constantly pushing global temperatures this way and that. From melting glaciers and rising sea levels, The Great Global Warming Swindle debunks the myths, and exposes what may well prove to be the darkest chapter in the history of mankind. According to a group of leading scientists brought together by documentary maker Martin Durkin everything you've ever been told about global warming is probably untrue. Just as we've begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon, Durkin's documentary slays the whole premise of global warming.

"Global warming has become a story of huge political significance; environmental activists using scare tactics to further their cause; scientists adding credence to secure billions of dollars in research money; politicians after headlines and a media happy to play along. No-one dares speak against it for risk of being unpopular, losing funds and jeopardizing careers."

Main contributors to the video:
1. Professor Tim Ball - Dept. of Climatology - University of Winnepeg, Canada
2. Professor Nir Shaviv - Institute of Physics - University of Jerusalem, Israel
3. Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of Earth Sciences - University of Ottawa, Canada
4. Dr. Piers Corbyn, Solar Physicist, Climate Forecaster, Weather Action, UK
5. Professor John Christy - Dept. of Atmospheric Science - University of Alabama, Huntsville - Lead Author, IPCC (NASA Medal - Exceptional Scientific Achievement)
6. Professor Philip Stott - Dept of Biogeography - University of London, UK
7. Al Gore - Former Presidental Candidate
8. Margaret Thatcher - Global-Warming Promoter
9. Professor Paul Reiter - IPCC & Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
10. Professor Richard Lindzen - IPCC & M.I.T.
11. Patrick Moore - Co-Founder - Greenpeace
12. Dr. Roy Spencer - Weather Satellite Team Leader - NASA
13. Professor Patrick Michaels - Department of Environmental Sciences - University of Virginia, US
14. Nigel Calder - Former Editor - New Scientist
15. James Shikwati - Economist & Author
16. Lord Lawson of Blaby - Secretary of Energy - UK Parliament Investigator, UK
17. Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu - Director, International Arctic Research Centre
18. Professor Fredrick Singer - Former Director, US National Weather Service
19. Professor Carl Wunsch - Dept. of Oceanography - M.I.T., Harvard, University College, London, University of Cambridge, UK
20. Professor Eigil Friis-Christensen - Director, Danish National Space Centre
21. Dr. Roy Spencer - NASA Weather Satellite Team Leader
22. Paul Driessen - Author: Green Power, Black Death

Marea escrocherie a incalzirii globale - Incalzirea globala - Un documentar absolut fenomenal - The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Film incomplet 73 minute (Fara prima parte de la inceput)

Marea escrocherie a incalzirii globale este un film documentar ce se opune consensului stiintific ce spune ca incalzirea globala este "foarte probabil rezultatul unei cresteri observabile a concentratiei de gaze cu efect de sera cauzate de om".

Filmul, efectuat de producatorul de televiziune britanic Martin Durkin, prezinta oameni de stiinta, economisti, politicieni, scriitori, si altii care sunt sceptici cu privire la teoria stiintifica a incalzirii globale antropogene.

Materiale publicitare ale programului afirma ca incalzirea globala antropogena este o minciuna si cea mai mare inselatorie din timpurile moderne.

The Great Global Warming Swindle is a documentary film that argues against the scientific consensus that global warming is "very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gas concentrations".

The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, showcases scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who are sceptical about the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming.

The programme's publicity materials assert that man-made global warming is a lie and the biggest scam of modern times.

The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming.

The film's basic premise is that the current scientific opinion on the anthropogenic causes of global warming has numerous scientific flaws, and that vested monetary interests in the scientific establishment and the media discourage the public and the scientific community from acknowledging or even debating this. The film asserts that the publicised scientific consensus is the product of a "global warming activist industry" driven by a desire for research funding. Other culprits, according to the film, are Western environmentalists promoting expensive solar and wind power over cheap fossil fuels in Africa, resulting in African countries being held back from industrialising.

The film won best documentary at the 2007 Io Isabella International Film Week

A number of academics, environmentalists, think-tank consultants and writers are interviewed in the film in support of its various assertions. They include the Canadian environmentalist Patrick Moore, former member of Greenpeace but for the past 21 years a critic of the organisation; Richard Lindzen, professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Patrick Michaels, Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia; Nigel Calder, editor of New Scientist from 1962 to 1966; John Christy, professor and director of the Earth System Science Center at University of Alabama; Paul Reiter of the Pasteur Institute; former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson; and Piers Corbyn, a British weather forecaster.

Carl Wunsch, professor of oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was also interviewed but has since said that he strongly disagrees with the film's conclusions and the way his interview material was used.

Mai multe detalii:

Informatii utile:
- Despre mitul suprapopularii (explozia populatiei) si despre reducerea populatiei prin planificarea familiala (planing familial, clinici de family planning, adica clinici de avort controlate, promovate de industria avortului si de organizatiile care creaza si aplica programe de depopulare, programe pentru "sanatatea reproducerii"), contraceptie, avort (pruncucidere, infanticid), eliminearea saraciei prin eliminarea saracilor, etc.:

-EXPLOZIA SAU IMPLOZIA POPULATIEI? - Suprapopulare sau Depopulare (Subpopulare - SINUCIDEREA COLECTIVA) in toata lumea? - EUGENIE? - Eugenia sau "imbunatatirea rasei umane". PROGRAME DE DEPOPULARE sau UCIDEREA PREMEDITATA A POPULATIEI PRIN DIVERSE METODE.