VEGANISMUL SAU CARNISMUL ESTE EXTREM? - Alimentatia de origine Vegetala sau cea Animala este EXTREMA? - VEGANISM OR CARNISM IS EXTREME? Imprimare
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Marţi, 30 Aprilie 2013
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Veganismul (Vegetarienii) sau Carnismul este EXTREM? - The Veganism (Vegetarians) or Carnism is EXTREME?

Veganismul nu este extrem.

Mutilarea animalelor este extrema.
Tinerea animalelor in custi este extrem.
Band secretii mamare de la alta specie este extrema.
Cauzand violenta este extrem.
Uciderea copiilor este extrema.
Folosirea opresiunii este extrem.
Consumul de carne putrezita este extrema.
Ruperea cutiei dvs. toracice si deschiderea acesteia pentru un by-pass (operatie pe inima, pe cord deschis) este extrem.

Cum pot compasiunea, iubirea si empatia fi extreme?
Cum pot ingrijirea, sensibilitate si umanitatea fi extreme?

O lectura interesanta, care ar putea ajuta oameni buni ...
Trecerea atentiei de la Veganism la Carnism:

Sistemele dominante se mentin in mare masura daca raman neexaminate, prin mentinerea accentul pe "celalalt" - grup "minoritar" (veganii) - si ignorarea credinte si comportamentele grupului dominant.
Intr-adevar, sistemele dominante functioneaza ca si cum nu au nici un grup dominant, sunt vegani, iar apoi e restul lumii.

Cand ne concentram asupra veganismului, mai degraba decat carnismul, parca am complota involuntar cu sistemul  dominant (carnismul) sa-l pastram neexaminat (in neadevar).
Ajutam carnismul prin mentinerea acestuia in afara vizibilitatii, invizibil (fara a se scoate la suprafata adevarul).

Eticheta de "mancator de carne" intareste perceptia asupra animalelor ca ar fi (numai) carne si, de asemenea, se concentreaza pe actul de a manca, ceea ce inseamna ca a manca animale este un comportament care este despartit de la un sistemul de credinta - noi nu numim vegani "mancatorii de plante" pentru acest motiv.

Ca am spus de multe ori, va permite sa incepeti sa utilizati termenul corect pentru a opri deconectarea... Mananca animale.

Vegan sau non vegan.

Ce mancam este problema morala:
Veganii (Vegetarienii) nu au nimic sa-si apere
Vaci si porci sunt simtitoare (au sentimente), germenii de varza de Bruxelles nu sunt.

"Negarea un drept fundamental cum este VIATA, un drept pe care o sustine cu tarie pentru el, este nu numai o inconsecventa morala, dar, de asemenea, un exemplu de incoerenta profunda. Desi nu pot ucide personal de asa-numitele << animale pentru alimentatie (mancare) >> ", noi incontestabil promovam direct uciderea lor prin plata pentru produsele de origine animala. Declamatiile noastre in favoarea pacii si justitiei vor avea o valoare mica, atata timp cat vom refuza, cu faptele noastre, pentru a fi cu adevarat corecti si pasnici fata de aceste victime. " (Esteban R. Vegano)

"Alimentele pe care le mananci pot fi cea mai sigura si cea mai puternica forma de medicina, sau cea mai inceata forma de otravire." (Ann Wigmore)

Veganism is not extreme

Mutilating animals is extreme.
Caging animals is extreme.
Drinking the breast secretions of another species is extreme.
Causing violence is extreme.
Killing babies is extreme.
Using oppression is extreme.
Eating rotting flesh is extreme.
Having your ribcage ripped open for a bypass is extreme.

How can compassion, love and empathy be extreme?
How can care, tenderness and humanity be extreme?

An interesting read that may help folks...
Shifting the Focus from Veganism to Carnism:

Dominant systems maintain themselves largely by remaining unexamined, by keeping the focus on the "other" - the "minority" group (vegans) - and ignoring the beliefs and behaviours of the dominant group. Indeed, dominant systems operate as though there were no dominant group; there are vegans, and then there’s everybody else.

When we focus on veganism rather than carnism, we unwittingly collude with the system to keep it unexamined. We play right into the hands of carnism by helping it maintain its invisibility.

The label "meat eater" reinforces the perception of animals as meat and also focuses on the act of eating, implying that eating animals is a behaviour that is divorced from a belief system - we don't call vegans "plant eaters” for this very reason.

Like we've said many times, lets start using the correct term to stop the disconnection....Eat animals.

Vegan or non vegan.

Who we eat is moral question:
Vegans have nothing to defend
Cows and pigs are sentient, brussels sprouts are not.

"Denying a fundamental right as it is LIFE, a right that one emphatically claims for himself, is not only a moral inconsistency, but also a sample of deep incoherence. Although we may not personally kill the so-called "food animals", we are undeniably directly promoting their murder by paying for products of animal origin. Our declamations in favor of peace and justice will have little value as long as we refuse, with our acts, to be really fair and peaceful towards these victims." (Esteban R. Vegano)

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison." (Ann Wigmore)

VEGAN is SO extreme!! Freelee's Rant